Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I am not having a good day today. People get on my nerves. Its like every little thing is just annoying the crap out of me. Its just one of those days.
To add to my annoyance some idiot sent me a christmas card today..... I am not a christmas person. I hate christmas!
I get so depressed around this time of year. The snow, the gloomy days, and "christmas spirit" all makes me sick to my stomach.
Yeah, when I was little of course I got excited. I mean how couldnt I? No school, baking cookies, playing in the snow and presents. Its a kids dream come true. Now that I am older, I see no point in it at all. Its not like I get time off of work (especially this year since christmas falls on a sunday... damn christmas!) I dont eat cookies, I sure as hell aint playing in the snow, and now I have 6 kids to buy for (and no matter what they get, its always not enough!), 2 sisters, 2 brothers-in-law, mom and step dad. I kinda understand why my sister R doesnt want to celebrate the holidays. Maybe I should become jehovas witness too!
And to top it off, this christmas is going to be the WORSE of all! Not only is this going to be the first year without my grandfather and my mother... I just found out that my brother-in-law is inviting his WHOLE family over for christmas. So instead of seeing my family, I get to spend the day with about 20 people that I have never met. Its one thing to be around 3 or 4 people I dont know but I dont enjoy being around that many new people.
I do enjoy new years though.... Thats all I can look forward to this year.
One more month, I think I can make it!
Monday, November 28, 2005
Just so everyone knows what is going on, I have changed my mind and I am going to move all of my other posts from blogster over here. At first I wasnt going to, but now that people are being kicked off and their blogs deleted I guess its time that I should... I dont want to take the chance of losing all that I have put into that blog over the last 6 or 7 months.
So when you notice that I have been posting long posts about 10 times a day, just bare with me....
if anyone has short cuts for doing this, I would love to hear them.
So when you notice that I have been posting long posts about 10 times a day, just bare with me....
if anyone has short cuts for doing this, I would love to hear them.
You'd think I would have learned....
Hope everyone had a great holiday....
Mine wasnt has bad as I had anticipated.
But the weekend after sucked. I lost my purse! I never realized how much I depend on it until now. My whole life was in that bag, and now I am lost without it. Things are finally getting back on track, I got my spare house key and my boss gave me a new work key. I still have no phone which is driving me insane... I mean, I live alone. My cell phone was my only connection to the outside world. So I've barely spoken 2 words all weekend. I actually walked around my neighborhood this weekend looking for a payphone.... there are none! Damn city!
Thats not the worse part though... See, I was in the process of changing over the title to a car that I bought. So unfortunately the title (still in the sellers name), my birth certificate and social security card were also in there. I really have no way of getting in touch with the seller of the car, so for now I'm screwed...
Ahhh... another day in my life. It never ends, every time things get close to being normal something like this happens and I'm back at point A . I am constantly doing stupid things like this. The drama I am having right now is completely unnecessary!
On another note, the baby is doing great! She is finally waking up for me now, and her big brown eyes are adorable!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Its a girl!!!
The baby came early saturday morning....
She is so cute! She was only 6lbs 2 oz and 17inches.. Very tiny. I fell in love with her the first time I seen her. She has so much hair already, it has to be atleast 2 inches long and jet black...
Hopefully it stays that way, I hate being the only one in the family with black hair (its not natural, but still) I'm so excited to see what she is going to look like as she gets older. This is the first mixed baby we have in the family so I want to see the outcome. What kind of hair texture, skin color, etc.
I'm not really a newborn person, I like babies better when they are a couple of months old. I get nervous when they are so small.
Oh, I just cant wait for her to grow up!
I dont want to be away from her... Its weird because I have 6 other nephews and neices and I've never felt this way before. I know its because of how close I am to this sister and her boyfirend (soon to be husband hopefully) But in a way I feel kinda guilty that I wasnt this excited before.
Family ties...
Wasnt that a show back in the 80s early 90s?...
About a family that actually got along! Yeah, if only real life were like that.
Theres also this new show on called Related, its about 4 sisters who get a long great and everyone is just so happy...
Talk about fiction!
So I have decided to not celebrate thanksgiving this year... Why you might ask? because my family gets on my nerves.
I'm sure most families have that one person who is such a bitch, that they ruin the holidays for everyone else...
For me it is my sister L. She is a BITCH!! She believes that everything and everyone should be exactly the ways she wants and if they are different then they are wrong... And she is not afraid to voice her opinion! Because of this, there is alot of controversy in my family right now about the new baby. See the father is a Jehovahs Witness, and my sister R (who has no religion) wants to respect that, and has decided to not celebrate holidays.
My sister L doesnt agree, and lately all she does is talk shit about her for that.
I hate having to defend R, people should be able to live their lives the way they want.
I'm tired of arguing with L.
So I will spend thanksgiving alone.... Which actually sucks because its the only holiday I like.
I hate christmas, I am the grinch... And this year will be even worse since my grandfather passed away this year, and with my mother moving to texas.
This year is gonna be pretty hard. My sisters J & L are going out of town to visit their in-laws, and my sister R and baby are going out of town to visit her boyfriends family...
I cant get off work long enough to go visit my mother, so I will be all alone. You never realize how much family means until they are not there.
About a family that actually got along! Yeah, if only real life were like that.
Theres also this new show on called Related, its about 4 sisters who get a long great and everyone is just so happy...
Talk about fiction!
So I have decided to not celebrate thanksgiving this year... Why you might ask? because my family gets on my nerves.
I'm sure most families have that one person who is such a bitch, that they ruin the holidays for everyone else...
For me it is my sister L. She is a BITCH!! She believes that everything and everyone should be exactly the ways she wants and if they are different then they are wrong... And she is not afraid to voice her opinion! Because of this, there is alot of controversy in my family right now about the new baby. See the father is a Jehovahs Witness, and my sister R (who has no religion) wants to respect that, and has decided to not celebrate holidays.
My sister L doesnt agree, and lately all she does is talk shit about her for that.
I hate having to defend R, people should be able to live their lives the way they want.
I'm tired of arguing with L.
So I will spend thanksgiving alone.... Which actually sucks because its the only holiday I like.
I hate christmas, I am the grinch... And this year will be even worse since my grandfather passed away this year, and with my mother moving to texas.
This year is gonna be pretty hard. My sisters J & L are going out of town to visit their in-laws, and my sister R and baby are going out of town to visit her boyfriends family...
I cant get off work long enough to go visit my mother, so I will be all alone. You never realize how much family means until they are not there.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Our new addition
Thanks for all your comments about the baby, both mother and baby are doing great!
What an amazing weekend!
My neice was born on the 19th at 4:30 am. Her name is Jada Rei(Ray) and she was 6 lbs. 2oz. and 17 inches. She is so adorable!
In a way I feel kinda bad though. See now I have a total of 7 nephews and neices. My two older sisters have 3 children each, and for my sister R this is her first. I've never been as excited about any of my other nephews or neices as I am about this one.
I know it has to do in part with the fact that I am very close with my sister and brother-in-law, but I feel quilty.
I feel quilty because with the others I wouldnt hold them until they were atleast 5 or 6 months. My sisters used to get upset because I didnt want to hold them. I have this fear of newborn babies, they are so fragile I get nervous. But with Jada I just couldnt help it. I held her and didnt want to let her go, and I know that my other sisters were basically like "WTF?!?"
Oh well... I'm to excited to care right now!
Baby and mother get to come home today... I cant wait!!!
What an amazing weekend!
My neice was born on the 19th at 4:30 am. Her name is Jada Rei(Ray) and she was 6 lbs. 2oz. and 17 inches. She is so adorable!
In a way I feel kinda bad though. See now I have a total of 7 nephews and neices. My two older sisters have 3 children each, and for my sister R this is her first. I've never been as excited about any of my other nephews or neices as I am about this one.
I know it has to do in part with the fact that I am very close with my sister and brother-in-law, but I feel quilty.
I feel quilty because with the others I wouldnt hold them until they were atleast 5 or 6 months. My sisters used to get upset because I didnt want to hold them. I have this fear of newborn babies, they are so fragile I get nervous. But with Jada I just couldnt help it. I held her and didnt want to let her go, and I know that my other sisters were basically like "WTF?!?"
Oh well... I'm to excited to care right now!
Baby and mother get to come home today... I cant wait!!!
Friday, November 18, 2005
I'm sooo excited!
My sister is in labor....
Yay! I've been waiting for this baby to come for the last 9 months. I cant wait. We still have some time, but she will be here soon... I dont think I have ever been so anxious in my life!
Yay! I've been waiting for this baby to come for the last 9 months. I cant wait. We still have some time, but she will be here soon... I dont think I have ever been so anxious in my life!
Lets get ready to RUMBLE!!!
Last night I was going through some boxes of old junk when I came across my trophy for wrestling. Which made me think of the good ol' days... hahaha
Its not what you think, I didnt wrestle in school or anything. It was more of drunk wrestling. When I was a dancer, one of the local radio station had the girls from my club wrestle each other as the opening "act" for some wrestling competition they were doing.
To answer your question, Yes we were dressed!!! in shorts and a t-shirt...
The only bad part about this was what we were wrestling in. Chocolate pudding, but it wasnt real chocolate pudding... it looked like the real thing, but it tasted disgusting!
I wrestled my friend J. We both agreed to not take anything seriously (being that most women tend to take it to the heart when they accidentally get hurt)
Once in the pool, it was very cold and slippery. Neither of us really had a chance to "attack" the other before we both fell face first into the chocolate. It was horrible. We couldnt see, hear or breath. The chocolate just over powered us...
After about 5 minutes the match was over and we were covered from head to toe (and everywhere in between) with chocolate. I think it took us about an hour in the shower to finally get it all off.
Yeah, that was my FUN experience with wrestling, but not the one I got the trophy for.
About a year later, my friend V was working at a bar. As a promotion thing she put together a bubblebath wrestling tournament. Of course since I went there all the time, and I was her friend, I got suckered into doing it.
It was a 5 week thing. The first week unfortunaltely no girls would wrestle, and there were all these people waiting to see a match. So me, being the fun and crazy person that I am, wrestled a guy. It wouldnt have been so bad, except bubblebath is WAY slippier than pudding. The crowd voted, and of course I won... I mean, I did wrestle a guy.
For the next couple of weeks I wrestled girls that I talked into doing it. It seemed that none of the regular customers wanted to do it with me. Everyone wanted to wrestle someone they knew. Which actually made me happy, cause I really didnt want to wrestle some chick that I didnt know (thats when things get too serious).
Finally the last week came. I decided to have J (the girl I wrestled in pudding) to do it with me this week. We were the only match this day. Since I was the only one willing to do it every week (not really willing, but forced my V) I was the main event!
We invited all of our friends, there was a full house! As a joke, my friend V thought it would be funny to put in some extra bubblebath, but she ended up puttin way too much. It was impossible for J and I to even walk with out slipping and falling down let alone try to wrestle. It was hard when you hit the ground, but when we fell on each other it was even worse. Elbows, knees, heads.. Yeah, they hurt worse than the floor!
I had never gotten hurt wresting until the last week. I ended up getting a black eye, busted lip, I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and jammed a finger. All because of a joke... Thanks V!
Hey atleast I got free drinks for like a month after! and a trophy...
Its not what you think, I didnt wrestle in school or anything. It was more of drunk wrestling. When I was a dancer, one of the local radio station had the girls from my club wrestle each other as the opening "act" for some wrestling competition they were doing.
To answer your question, Yes we were dressed!!! in shorts and a t-shirt...
The only bad part about this was what we were wrestling in. Chocolate pudding, but it wasnt real chocolate pudding... it looked like the real thing, but it tasted disgusting!
I wrestled my friend J. We both agreed to not take anything seriously (being that most women tend to take it to the heart when they accidentally get hurt)
Once in the pool, it was very cold and slippery. Neither of us really had a chance to "attack" the other before we both fell face first into the chocolate. It was horrible. We couldnt see, hear or breath. The chocolate just over powered us...
After about 5 minutes the match was over and we were covered from head to toe (and everywhere in between) with chocolate. I think it took us about an hour in the shower to finally get it all off.
Yeah, that was my FUN experience with wrestling, but not the one I got the trophy for.
About a year later, my friend V was working at a bar. As a promotion thing she put together a bubblebath wrestling tournament. Of course since I went there all the time, and I was her friend, I got suckered into doing it.
It was a 5 week thing. The first week unfortunaltely no girls would wrestle, and there were all these people waiting to see a match. So me, being the fun and crazy person that I am, wrestled a guy. It wouldnt have been so bad, except bubblebath is WAY slippier than pudding. The crowd voted, and of course I won... I mean, I did wrestle a guy.
For the next couple of weeks I wrestled girls that I talked into doing it. It seemed that none of the regular customers wanted to do it with me. Everyone wanted to wrestle someone they knew. Which actually made me happy, cause I really didnt want to wrestle some chick that I didnt know (thats when things get too serious).
Finally the last week came. I decided to have J (the girl I wrestled in pudding) to do it with me this week. We were the only match this day. Since I was the only one willing to do it every week (not really willing, but forced my V) I was the main event!
We invited all of our friends, there was a full house! As a joke, my friend V thought it would be funny to put in some extra bubblebath, but she ended up puttin way too much. It was impossible for J and I to even walk with out slipping and falling down let alone try to wrestle. It was hard when you hit the ground, but when we fell on each other it was even worse. Elbows, knees, heads.. Yeah, they hurt worse than the floor!
I had never gotten hurt wresting until the last week. I ended up getting a black eye, busted lip, I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and jammed a finger. All because of a joke... Thanks V!
Hey atleast I got free drinks for like a month after! and a trophy...
Its about damn time!
So I woke up this morning the sound of my phone... Normally this would put me in a very bad mood, becuase what could be so important to call and wake me up at 6 am? It was my sister... She's going into labor!
I'm so excited!!!!! Unfortunately, I'm stuck at work until 5. damn work, you would think they would let me call off, I mean my sister is about to have her baby! But noooo..... I have to be here, alone, to answer the stupid phones. Isnt that what we have voice mail for?
I'm sure she will still be in labor when I get off, but I just want to be there now.
I wonder why I am so excited? I mean, I already have 6 nephews and nieces by my other two sisters. What makes this one so different? This is my favorite sister, her, her fiance, and I lived together for 3 years. She is more than just my sister... and he is more than just my brother-in-law. I have been waiting for this day for the last 5 years....
Today is going to drag... I am so anxious to leave, I know that the time is going to go by soooo slow!
I'm so excited!!!!! Unfortunately, I'm stuck at work until 5. damn work, you would think they would let me call off, I mean my sister is about to have her baby! But noooo..... I have to be here, alone, to answer the stupid phones. Isnt that what we have voice mail for?
I'm sure she will still be in labor when I get off, but I just want to be there now.
I wonder why I am so excited? I mean, I already have 6 nephews and nieces by my other two sisters. What makes this one so different? This is my favorite sister, her, her fiance, and I lived together for 3 years. She is more than just my sister... and he is more than just my brother-in-law. I have been waiting for this day for the last 5 years....
Today is going to drag... I am so anxious to leave, I know that the time is going to go by soooo slow!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
There is a rainbow after all!!
Its no secret that for the last couple of days I havent been feeling my best. Well I'm finally back to my regular self!
Isnt it weird that when you are in a bad mood something that would normally make your mood worse, takes you by suprise and actually puts you in a good mood? A little confusing? yeah I know it doesnt make sense to me either, but thats what happened...
I was certain today was going to be the worse day for me yet... I must have woken up and shut my alarm off and fell back asleep because I didnt wake up until 10 minutes before I had to leave. So I frantically ran around my house trying to make myself atleast look decent. Granted, I couldnt take a shower, but i am presentable...
As I'm leaving I notice that it is raining outside... Not a problem, so I grab my umbrella and leave the house. I'm standing at the bus stop; which by the way is not sheltered, its just a sign that says "bus stop", so there I am standing in the pouring rain talking to my boyfrind on the phone. I was telling him about my morning when out of nowhere my umbrella breaks.. I pretty much broke down and cried for about a minute, I mean, it was just the icing on the cake..
I thought for sure that this was going to make my mood even worse, but it didnt. After I let out a few tears, I started laughing, and couldnt stop. I couldnt believe that this was the way I was going to take my "shower" today.
By the time I got to work I was completely soaked and freezing, but I dont care! I'm in a great mood!!!
Isnt it weird that when you are in a bad mood something that would normally make your mood worse, takes you by suprise and actually puts you in a good mood? A little confusing? yeah I know it doesnt make sense to me either, but thats what happened...
I was certain today was going to be the worse day for me yet... I must have woken up and shut my alarm off and fell back asleep because I didnt wake up until 10 minutes before I had to leave. So I frantically ran around my house trying to make myself atleast look decent. Granted, I couldnt take a shower, but i am presentable...
As I'm leaving I notice that it is raining outside... Not a problem, so I grab my umbrella and leave the house. I'm standing at the bus stop; which by the way is not sheltered, its just a sign that says "bus stop", so there I am standing in the pouring rain talking to my boyfrind on the phone. I was telling him about my morning when out of nowhere my umbrella breaks.. I pretty much broke down and cried for about a minute, I mean, it was just the icing on the cake..
I thought for sure that this was going to make my mood even worse, but it didnt. After I let out a few tears, I started laughing, and couldnt stop. I couldnt believe that this was the way I was going to take my "shower" today.
By the time I got to work I was completely soaked and freezing, but I dont care! I'm in a great mood!!!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Now I can blame someone else. ahh... It feels so good to not blame myself any longer.
So I called my bank today to see if the money had been released into my account. It wasnt, so I spoke to one of the reps and she said to wait until this afternoon, so I did. I called back and the money still wasnt there. So I talked to a rep again, this time she told me that the fax from my phone company was never received.... SHIT!
So I called the phone company, and simply asked... why wasnt the fax sent? of course they didnt know. All the guy had to say was "I'm sure they tried to fax it, if it didnt go through its not our fault"
Then whose fault is it, mine? If it were faxed it should have gone through, and if for some reason the line was busy shouldnt they have re-faxed it?
Then do you believe he had the nerve to ask me when I was going to pay my bill? The fucking bill was due yesterday, I tried to pay it on the 8th; its not my fault that your company has so many useless people working there that a simple fax wasnt sent. Im not going to pay a phone bill that was mistakenly withdrawn twice from my account yet never actually paid until I get my money back!
I'm so pissed... Tomorrow is a holiday, so of course the bank is closed, and I'm screwed until monday or tuesday. Fucking imcompetent people!!!!
UGHHH!!! I just want to scream! I dont understand how people can be so useless, I mean is it really that hard to send a fax?
So I called my bank today to see if the money had been released into my account. It wasnt, so I spoke to one of the reps and she said to wait until this afternoon, so I did. I called back and the money still wasnt there. So I talked to a rep again, this time she told me that the fax from my phone company was never received.... SHIT!
So I called the phone company, and simply asked... why wasnt the fax sent? of course they didnt know. All the guy had to say was "I'm sure they tried to fax it, if it didnt go through its not our fault"
Then whose fault is it, mine? If it were faxed it should have gone through, and if for some reason the line was busy shouldnt they have re-faxed it?
Then do you believe he had the nerve to ask me when I was going to pay my bill? The fucking bill was due yesterday, I tried to pay it on the 8th; its not my fault that your company has so many useless people working there that a simple fax wasnt sent. Im not going to pay a phone bill that was mistakenly withdrawn twice from my account yet never actually paid until I get my money back!
I'm so pissed... Tomorrow is a holiday, so of course the bank is closed, and I'm screwed until monday or tuesday. Fucking imcompetent people!!!!
UGHHH!!! I just want to scream! I dont understand how people can be so useless, I mean is it really that hard to send a fax?
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I can only blame myself...
Am I the only one who has stupid things like this happen, I mean this could have easily been prevented if only I would have remembered to call my phone company and change my address...
Yesterday I tried to pay my cellphone bill using the automated bill pay... For some reason both times that I tried it was denied right at the end of the process. So I talked to customer service and they said it was because the zip code on my phone bill didnt match the zip code on my debit card. How fucking stupid is that. What if I wasnt using my card, and using someone elses instead?
Well anyway, since the two transactions were approved by my bank the money was taken out. Okay, so to fix this I had to have the phone company fax over a statement that they denied the transactions so the money can be released back into my account faster than the 5-7 days it normally takes. Simple huh? Yeah right, nothing in life is simple!
So I call the phone company and they say that they only have proof of one transaction that was denied, not two... UGHHH!!!!!
So who knows how long it will take for the second one to be released. The bank said anywhere from 2-5 business days. This is a bunch of BS!!!! I have checks out that might end up bouncing now because of this stupid error... How the hell does the phone company only show one transactions when the bank shows two? Just doesnt make any sense to me.
And what makes it worse is its my fault, noone to blame... damn it!
Yesterday I tried to pay my cellphone bill using the automated bill pay... For some reason both times that I tried it was denied right at the end of the process. So I talked to customer service and they said it was because the zip code on my phone bill didnt match the zip code on my debit card. How fucking stupid is that. What if I wasnt using my card, and using someone elses instead?
Well anyway, since the two transactions were approved by my bank the money was taken out. Okay, so to fix this I had to have the phone company fax over a statement that they denied the transactions so the money can be released back into my account faster than the 5-7 days it normally takes. Simple huh? Yeah right, nothing in life is simple!
So I call the phone company and they say that they only have proof of one transaction that was denied, not two... UGHHH!!!!!
So who knows how long it will take for the second one to be released. The bank said anywhere from 2-5 business days. This is a bunch of BS!!!! I have checks out that might end up bouncing now because of this stupid error... How the hell does the phone company only show one transactions when the bank shows two? Just doesnt make any sense to me.
And what makes it worse is its my fault, noone to blame... damn it!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Its a lovely day in the neighborhood
Well it seems that slowly but surely all of my fellow blogsters are making their way over here... So now the few that are left are bored! We have noone left to joke and laugh with. Its actually kinda sad, to see them go. Me, on the otherhand, I will stay in both places. Have my cake and eat it too!!! So for all of my new blogger buddies, I wont keep you in the dark, instead of pasting all of my blogs from there, here, I have posted a link... if your that interested just go take a look. If not, thats okay....
So, anyway enough about that, lets talk about me! What a very exciting weekend I had... Got a chance to see my bf, it was great. It was only for one night though, he had to go to Detroit on business. I am excited for this weekend, becuase he comes back from Montana on Friday and hopefully we will spend the weekend together! (hopefully, usually something comes up). Back to last weekend. On friday, I wasnt feeling too well, but a friend convinced me to go out. I ended up getting pretty trashed, and making an ass of myself. One of my bosses clients happened to be the bartender at the club. And what did I do? I flirted with him.......dont know why, I just did... I had no intentions of actually hooking up with him, I guess it was drunken small talk. Bad idea!!! now he thinks I have this crush on him, when I dont... and I have to see this guy all the time! I always get myself in these messed up situations. Atleast it adds alittle excitment to my life.
On saturday some friends came up from Akron, and of course they wanted to go out. So me being the great friend that I am, took them out for a night on the town with one of the worse hangovers ever! After a few drinks I was feeling better, but not up to par. So we left, had one of their guy friends take us to my house.... But life isnt that easy, right by the entrance to the highway we got a flat.. Damn flats! So we pull over, jack the car, and guess what happens next; the damn car fell off the jack. So now the jack is stuck under the car. Luckily for us there was a tow truck so we had him jack the car up again.
I'm actually kinda happy that the weekend is over!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Remember that time....
Isnt it weird how you see people you know in the oddest places?
I went out to dinner last night to a restaurant that I never go to. The food isnt that good and the prices are way to high.. but I went anyway.
Who do I see? like 4 of my friends, that I havent seen in ages. They never go there either, just happened to be going to the improv which is right down stairs. what a coincidence...
Then I went to this stip club to have a few drinks and like 10 girls I used to work with are working there now. It was like a high school reunion.
If feels good to see all these faces again, and touch base on how every one is doing. But it makes me remember how much fun I used to have when I danced. Life was so different back then.. I know now that I'm doing better for myself, with a good job and alot less alcohol, but I sure do miss it some times. Not only do I miss the money, but I miss the girls so much. We were like one big family. They made up for more than 50% of my friends, now they're barely acquaintances.
Its too hard to keep up with that life style now... Too expensive and too many hangovers! Guess I'll just have to live off the memories...
I went out to dinner last night to a restaurant that I never go to. The food isnt that good and the prices are way to high.. but I went anyway.
Who do I see? like 4 of my friends, that I havent seen in ages. They never go there either, just happened to be going to the improv which is right down stairs. what a coincidence...
Then I went to this stip club to have a few drinks and like 10 girls I used to work with are working there now. It was like a high school reunion.
If feels good to see all these faces again, and touch base on how every one is doing. But it makes me remember how much fun I used to have when I danced. Life was so different back then.. I know now that I'm doing better for myself, with a good job and alot less alcohol, but I sure do miss it some times. Not only do I miss the money, but I miss the girls so much. We were like one big family. They made up for more than 50% of my friends, now they're barely acquaintances.
Its too hard to keep up with that life style now... Too expensive and too many hangovers! Guess I'll just have to live off the memories...
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Locks of Love
So C cut her hair on Tuesday.
She left it longer that I thought she would, but she still looks weird with short hair.
She was on fox 8 news last night, they did a report on her donating her hair to Locks of Love. Its a non-profit organization that provides hair pieces to financially disadvantaged children suffering from long term hair loss.
I'm so proud of her, I actually cried watching the segment...
Its so good to see her doing something to help others.
She left it longer that I thought she would, but she still looks weird with short hair.
She was on fox 8 news last night, they did a report on her donating her hair to Locks of Love. Its a non-profit organization that provides hair pieces to financially disadvantaged children suffering from long term hair loss.
I'm so proud of her, I actually cried watching the segment...
Its so good to see her doing something to help others.