I am not having a good day today. People get on my nerves. Its like every little thing is just annoying the crap out of me. Its just one of those days.
To add to my annoyance some idiot sent me a christmas card today..... I am not a christmas person. I hate christmas!
I get so depressed around this time of year. The snow, the gloomy days, and "christmas spirit" all makes me sick to my stomach.
Yeah, when I was little of course I got excited. I mean how couldnt I? No school, baking cookies, playing in the snow and presents. Its a kids dream come true. Now that I am older, I see no point in it at all. Its not like I get time off of work (especially this year since christmas falls on a sunday... damn christmas!) I dont eat cookies, I sure as hell aint playing in the snow, and now I have 6 kids to buy for (and no matter what they get, its always not enough!), 2 sisters, 2 brothers-in-law, mom and step dad. I kinda understand why my sister R doesnt want to celebrate the holidays. Maybe I should become jehovas witness too!
And to top it off, this christmas is going to be the WORSE of all! Not only is this going to be the first year without my grandfather and my mother... I just found out that my brother-in-law is inviting his WHOLE family over for christmas. So instead of seeing my family, I get to spend the day with about 20 people that I have never met. Its one thing to be around 3 or 4 people I dont know but I dont enjoy being around that many new people.
I do enjoy new years though.... Thats all I can look forward to this year.
One more month, I think I can make it!
I still love Christmas just like when I was little. Of course, its a little harder now that I have to do the gift giving instead of giving, but I try to do things that look elegant but aren't as expensive as they look. Don't ask me how I pull that off, but I do. I also buy things throughout the year to make it easier at Christmas time. I don't get a lot of time off of work usually either though... And Dylan, my son, usually isn't with me, he always goes back to Texas. So I always miss him. But you know. Oh well. LOL
I still like Christmas, but wouldn't want to spend it with strangers. I stopped buying gifts for my nieces and nephews years ago. I can't afford it, there's 11 of them. I buy only for the adults and if they are married it's a joint gift. See my last week's rant about knick-knacks as gifts-ugh. I don't send Christmas cards either.
But I decorate the inside of my apartment with lots of Christmas lights. I like to turn off all the regular lights and just have those on at night. I think I would feel bah humbug too about not knowing most the people there! Eeeek!
Hey, Lilly...I saw your comment on Babs' blog. I think she's marshmallowing right now.
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BAH HUMBUG...xmas means more poverty for me...I am less than thrilled over it, but it is fun to watch my lil girl open up her presents...oh well, wadda ya do;)
I still love Christmas but for reasons unknown to me, I just don't have the spirit this year. It all seems like one huge hassle looming ahead of me. I'm actually looking forward to January and life going back to normal.
over here we are blessed with public holidays around christmas [not that it mattered in my previous job]...the day after christmas is a public holiday [called boxing day] but if chrissy falls on a weekend the following monday is deemed a public holiday as well.
bring on new years eve.
thank you fer the colours i will test them out when i am having an overly patient/curious day ;))
I feel the same about Christmas myself, that month between Thanksgiving and New Years drives me nuts. I don't know how socialminded people get thru it. Worst of all are those giddy holiday types who think you are nuts because you wish you could sleep it all away and wake up Jan 2. Apos we have Boxing Day as well, that's when the Gombeys come out and dance and you throw money on the ground for them to collect. I should blog about the Gombeys....