Tuesday, November 15, 2005

There is a rainbow after all!!

Its no secret that for the last couple of days I havent been feeling my best. Well I'm finally back to my regular self!

Isnt it weird that when you are in a bad mood something that would normally make your mood worse, takes you by suprise and actually puts you in a good mood? A little confusing? yeah I know it doesnt make sense to me either, but thats what happened...

I was certain today was going to be the worse day for me yet... I must have woken up and shut my alarm off and fell back asleep because I didnt wake up until 10 minutes before I had to leave. So I frantically ran around my house trying to make myself atleast look decent. Granted, I couldnt take a shower, but i am presentable...

As I'm leaving I notice that it is raining outside... Not a problem, so I grab my umbrella and leave the house. I'm standing at the bus stop; which by the way is not sheltered, its just a sign that says "bus stop", so there I am standing in the pouring rain talking to my boyfrind on the phone. I was telling him about my morning when out of nowhere my umbrella breaks.. I pretty much broke down and cried for about a minute, I mean, it was just the icing on the cake..

I thought for sure that this was going to make my mood even worse, but it didnt. After I let out a few tears, I started laughing, and couldnt stop. I couldnt believe that this was the way I was going to take my "shower" today.

By the time I got to work I was completely soaked and freezing, but I dont care! I'm in a great mood!!!

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