Its a lovely day in the neighborhood
Well it seems that slowly but surely all of my fellow blogsters are making their way over here... So now the few that are left are bored! We have noone left to joke and laugh with. Its actually kinda sad, to see them go. Me, on the otherhand, I will stay in both places. Have my cake and eat it too!!! So for all of my new blogger buddies, I wont keep you in the dark, instead of pasting all of my blogs from there, here, I have posted a link... if your that interested just go take a look. If not, thats okay....
So, anyway enough about that, lets talk about me! What a very exciting weekend I had... Got a chance to see my bf, it was great. It was only for one night though, he had to go to Detroit on business. I am excited for this weekend, becuase he comes back from Montana on Friday and hopefully we will spend the weekend together! (hopefully, usually something comes up). Back to last weekend. On friday, I wasnt feeling too well, but a friend convinced me to go out. I ended up getting pretty trashed, and making an ass of myself. One of my bosses clients happened to be the bartender at the club. And what did I do? I flirted with him.......dont know why, I just did... I had no intentions of actually hooking up with him, I guess it was drunken small talk. Bad idea!!! now he thinks I have this crush on him, when I dont... and I have to see this guy all the time! I always get myself in these messed up situations. Atleast it adds alittle excitment to my life.
On saturday some friends came up from Akron, and of course they wanted to go out. So me being the great friend that I am, took them out for a night on the town with one of the worse hangovers ever! After a few drinks I was feeling better, but not up to par. So we left, had one of their guy friends take us to my house.... But life isnt that easy, right by the entrance to the highway we got a flat.. Damn flats! So we pull over, jack the car, and guess what happens next; the damn car fell off the jack. So now the jack is stuck under the car. Luckily for us there was a tow truck so we had him jack the car up again.
I'm actually kinda happy that the weekend is over!
Ah ha!!! I found you over here! You shall be added to the links now!!! There's a bunch over here now...