Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Family ties...

Wasnt that a show back in the 80s early 90s?...

About a family that actually got along! Yeah, if only real life were like that.

Theres also this new show on called Related, its about 4 sisters who get a long great and everyone is just so happy...

Talk about fiction!

So I have decided to not celebrate thanksgiving this year... Why you might ask? because my family gets on my nerves.

I'm sure most families have that one person who is such a bitch, that they ruin the holidays for everyone else...

For me it is my sister L. She is a BITCH!! She believes that everything and everyone should be exactly the ways she wants and if they are different then they are wrong... And she is not afraid to voice her opinion! Because of this, there is alot of controversy in my family right now about the new baby. See the father is a Jehovahs Witness, and my sister R (who has no religion) wants to respect that, and has decided to not celebrate holidays.

My sister L doesnt agree, and lately all she does is talk shit about her for that.

I hate having to defend R, people should be able to live their lives the way they want.

I'm tired of arguing with L.

So I will spend thanksgiving alone.... Which actually sucks because its the only holiday I like.

I hate christmas, I am the grinch... And this year will be even worse since my grandfather passed away this year, and with my mother moving to texas.

This year is gonna be pretty hard. My sisters J & L are going out of town to visit their in-laws, and my sister R and baby are going out of town to visit her boyfriends family...

I cant get off work long enough to go visit my mother, so I will be all alone. You never realize how much family means until they are not there.



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