Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Its so hard to say goodbye to yesterday....

Last night I had to stop at my mothers house to pick up a few things that I had left in her basement. After I finally got home I sat and started unpacking things. Things that I havent seen in years. Old letters from when I was in Jr. High, my poem that was published in my elementary schools newspaper, T-shirts and year books that everyone signed at the end of each year. I loved looking at these things, they bring back wonderful memories of my childhood. Its weird that while your in school, you just cant wait for it to end. Your so caught up with how life will be so much better that you tend to ignore the fact that things will never be the same. You dont worry about all the friends that you will lose, or all of the activities that will no longer be there. I must say that I would love to go back to high school.

I also had the chance to go through my extensive playboy collection. I have atleast 150 dating back to the mid 70s. Did you know that Vanna White was in playboy? Yeah she was pretty hot too! lol. Maybe I should find a collector, they're all in mint condition, I could be rich...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Rain rain go away....

-I must say before I post that I am deeply sorry for everyone who was effected by Katrina, especially those who lost their loved ones. I understand that it must be horrible to lose all of your belongings and in some cases the people you love. I realize that what we are about to go through is NOTHING compared to that.-

But on the other hand I am not looking forward to the "aftermath" of Katrina. Later today and tomorrow we have the pleasure of this unwanted rain. I hate the rain, and now that I am unable to drive I hate it even more!! I am not looking forward to taking public transportation to work at 7:30 tomorrow morning in what I'm sure will be an absolute down pour. I'm going to be soaked. I guess I could take a cab, I would just hate to pay that much for a 5 minute ride. Why oh why did I have to be so stupid to get that damn DUI. I regret that so much, it wasnt even my fault.

Ok, yeah... I know it was my fault, I just hate to admit it!! I know I shouldnt have been driving. But its not like I was waisted.... The fucked up part was the way I got caught. It was 4:30 am and I was driving alone on a road that had no street lights, so it was pretty dark. I have this fear of being broken down on a deserted road and being raped or kidnapped. So just my luck I got a fucking flat tire. I didnt want to pull over until I had enough light to see when I changed it. So stupid me kept driving on the flat; soon I could see the next light 500 feet away. But before I got there a cop pulled me over for disturbing the peace because my flat tire was making too much noise. Heres how that went:

Cop: Ma'am you do realize that you were driving on a flat dont you? That is disturbing the peace, this is a nice neighborhood people dont like loud noise at 4 in the morning.

Me: Of course, I was just going to that gas station up there to change it. Is that why you are pulling me over?

Cop: Yes, but you do realize that you are intoxicated, I need you to step out of the car.

Me: Officer I am not intoxicated.

Cop: what ever you say ma'am but your still being arrested. Now do you want to explain to me the REAL reason you were driving on that flat?

Me: I already told you, I didnt feel safe so I was going to the gas station.

Cop: I dont think thats it, this is a nice neighborhood. There isnt anything for anyone to be afraid of here.

Me: so your telling me that just because this is a "good" neighborhood I shouldnt be afraid of rapists?

Cop: I think you are just too drunk to realize you had a flat.

What a prick. I will be afraid of rapists everywhere I go, I dont care how nice the neighborhood is. And I will do the same thing next time. What do I look like pulling over at 4 am, alone, on a street with no lights, to change a tire. That will never happen.... Fucking cop.

Monday, August 29, 2005


What a fun weekend. My best friend C was admitted to the hospital on friday. She has something called Guillan Barre Syndrome. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but it attacks your nerves so she can barely move. They put her in ICU yesterday because its getting to the point where she can no longer feed herself. The doctor said she will probably be in the hospital for about 3 or 4 weeks. I feel so badly for her, shes not taking this very well. They told her that there is a chance that she will not recover and be paralyzed for the rest of her life. 95% of people fully recover but of course they failed to mention that to her. I cant imagine how she must feel right now.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

You'll love this one!

Try this. It's pretty cool. Try not to cheat & look at the answer.

Stare at the following and see if you
can find the hidden image. Get as close to your
monitor as possible then slowly pull away.
You'll be quite amazed when it comes into view.



Scroll down for answer, but give it a couple try's first.

It's NOTHING, you idiot, get back to work. I can't
believe you fell for that one.
I hope someone walked by and witnessed you with your
nose on your monitor!

Who do you want to be when you grow up?

Have you ever met someone who you admire to the point you want to be that person?

When I was in high school I worked at a dry clearner. WORSE JOB EVER!!! but thats a post in its own. My bosses mother worked with me; she was 80 at the time. She didnt need to work, her ex husband was a former Indians player so he paid her good alamony. But she worked anyway, 8 hours a day 5-6 days a week. She was always in high spirits and full of energy. One could never guess she was 80, she is just full of life. She loves to drink, party and talk about sex. She has the mind of an 18 year old! I rememeber she would flirt with the cute customers and once she even convinved me to go on a date with one of them.
Well she'll be 85 in December, and she still works everyday. She walks, exercises and swims everyday also.
I've always had this fear of getting older, I was afraid that I wont be able to do the things that I do now. She proved me wrong, she taught me that as long as you take care of yourself that "you dont have to be old, you just have to look it" she told me this many times, and its the best advice I've ever received.

That is who I want to be when I get older.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Dont youjust hate that!

16 Things That Annoy Probably Everyone

1. Trying on sunglasses with the tag still attached to the bridge.

2. The person behind you in the supermarket who keeps running their cart into the back of your ankle.

3. The way everyone drives slower when you're in a hurry.

4. The way everyone drives right on your bumper when you slow down to look for an address.

5. You open a can of soup - or anything, really - and the lid falls in to it.

6. Finding out you stepped in dog poop ... AFTER you've walked across your carpet.

7. Drinking from a soda can you thought was yours only to discover someone had extinguished their cigarette in it.

8. Slicing your tongue licking an envelope.

9. The tire gauge that lets out half the air in your tire while you're trying to get a reading.

10. Televisions or radios that come in brilliantly while you tune them then fade to snow and tatic as you walk away.

11. Realizing you never washed that bright red shirt by itself before ... after everything else in the load comes out pink.

12. Setting your alarm clock for p.m. instead of a.m.

13. A fantastic song on the radio and the DJ doesn't tell you who it is.

14. Having to say to five different salespeople, "No thanks, I'm just looking."

15. You reach under a table to pick something up and whack your head coming back up.

16. The candy bar or bag of chips that gets stuck on the rotating clip in a vending machine.

Who the hell are you to criticize anyone?!?!!

Why is is that people have to be so damn judgmental of others? I was out with some friends of mine yesterday, and when one left the others just started ripping into her. They critisized everything from her big boobs (which by the way are real!) to the way she dressed.

First off who the fuck are they to judge someone in the first place? Noone on this earth is perfect! So instead of talking about someone you dont like or even worse- dont even know; why dont they sit back and take a long look at themselves. Just because they dress differently or look different from you doesnt make them a "bad" person.

It really gets under my skin when people act like that. Noone is exactly the same, everyone has different opinions, interest, etc. Does that make them wrong? well fuck it, maybe I should join in here too! I dont like people who are ugly, I dont like people who are over weight, and I definately dont like people who have long hair. Sound stupid? Well hell they are different than me so I shouldnt like them right? Thats fucking bullshit!

How simple minded can people be? I just dont understand, I mean get off your high horse and realize that not every one is going to be like you! Embrace everyone for who they are. Just because they dye their hair blonde, or like to wear provocative clothing doesnt make them a illiterate prostitute. Maybe thats just who they are. And if that holds them back from anything in life, ITS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!!! Its their life, not yours... You cant live it for them.

Dont be a hypocrit and only look at whats wrong with everyone else, just so you feel superior. Judge yourself as well. Like I said NOONE is perfect. Everyone has flaws, so why condemn some one for being different? why not embrace them....

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

You think you know, but you have no idea!

About me....

Throughout my life I've had alot of hard times. I grew up in the ghetto with an alcoholic mother and a father whom I only seen when I would visit him at the bar. My father is very wealthy, but refused to share any of that with his daughters. I had no discipline, and no guidance. By the time I was 12 I was drinking and smoking weed, soon it escilated into more harsh drugs like ecstasy and acid. When I started high school, it was very hard. Living on the east side of Cleveland, I went to a predominately black school. Well actually my cousin and myself were the only students who werent black. I had no problem with this, but the other students did. We didnt want to become easy targets so we had to "prove" ourselves. Getting into fights, cutting school, basically anything to fit in. By my sophomore year I moved to the west side with my sister. This was hard for me because now I had rules. I started acting out and was soon sent back to my mothers house. Eventually things were looking up. Until my 16th birthday. Two weeks after my birthday our house caught on fire. Pretty much everything was ruined, and we had to move. My mother and her new boyfriend decided that it was time for me to move out on my own, since they could no longer afford me. Out of money and lonely I turned to stripping, it was hard both physically and emotionally. Long hours of drinking and partying.

Then I met who I thought was the love of my life. He took me in, gave me what I needed most, love. He made me a better person, got me to go back to college, get a decent job and quit dancing. All of a sudden he was yanked away, hes in prison now for drug trafficing. They called him the "kingpin" of cleveland.

I didnt know what to do, I was lost. I fell into this deep depression, quit my job and moved in with my sister. I relied on drugs to keep me sane. I was never sober, I was either drunk or high. Luckily for me I never started doing coke or any thing like that. I started dancing again and thats when I met my boyfriend now. I have lost him once, and now that I have him back he has helped me to become the person I am. I owe him my life, I dont know where I would be without him. Now I'm doing much better, have a very good job, no more drugs and I limit my drinking. I dedicate this post to him just so he realizes how much I truly appreciate everything hes done for me. (although I'm sure he will never read it!)

Today is our anniversary, and I just wanted to tell him that I love him...

Monday, August 22, 2005

Damn spiders....

Its not that I hate bugs (except for centipedes, I hate them!), I just rather them not come close to me.
The bad thing for me is that in my office spiders are everywhere! They are on my desk, on the walls, but they're mostly in the bathroom. But thy're not just the regular spiders, they are the jumping ones. I know everyone has seen them. They are very small and black, when you try to kill them they jump. And when they jump, even though I'm anticipating it; it scares the shit out of me... Then I catch myself running around trying to kill this spider smaller than my pinky nail. Why is that? I know they dont bother me, but its just so nasty. Who would want to be using the restroom and the next thing you know you have this spider jump on you and scare you half to death.
Like I said dont hate bugs, I just dont want them on me...

Whats in a millionaire?

Whats up with these dating websites?

I have alot of friends who are exotic dancers. Most of which are young, pretty and not so smart girls. One in particular is a very good friend of mine, she's not the prettiest, but smart. She went to 2 different trade schools here in Cleveland. One for cosmitology (sp?) and one for broadcasting. She has a good head on her shoulders, and knows what she wants. She wants a millionaire. So she and her girlfriend went to a website called, where she met some "millionaires". First off, how can one tell if they really are a millionaire. Secondly, why would a man with that kind of money want a woman who is just interested in his money. From what she tells me their not that bad looking, and all around good guys. Some have flown her all around America to visit them. now her girlfreind and herself are considering moving to LA to live with this guy who wants 2 girlfriends. She says that there is nothing here for her, and that she'll keep fuckin up if she stays here.

Maybe its just me but it seems alittle out there...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Love is a battlefield

I''m taking a trip back to the 80s today. For me 2 women predominantly set the standards for love songs. Dont get me wrong I love all 80s music, but for me these women have set the standars.

You're beggin' me to go, you're makin' me stay
Why do you hurt me so bad?
It would help me to know
Do I stand in your way, or am I the best thing you've had?
Believe me, believe me, I can't tell you why
But I'm trapped by your love, and I'm chained to your side.....

I couldnt say it better myself....

Pat Benatar, who doesnt love her.

Who is next? hmmmmmm, alot of people I talk to dont even know who she is. Lets see if anyone here can guess who she is.

Song #1
I confess I watch your mouth move baby when you''re speaking
Study your body when you walk out of the room
You''ll see how much you value my friendship
But I want you addicted to my perfume.(best line in a love song ever!)

Song #2
If you don''t want me, I''ll be devastated
I''m so much in love with you
Waiting, not knowing, baby I hate it
Tell me what you want me to
I want you so much
That I live and I breath only for your touch


All these clothes just come between us
Let''s go where no one can see us
My skin, my lips
Need to meet your fingertips

One more hint? okay I guess.

Song #3
Like an endless thirst makes a desert dry...
tears of joy when I looked in your eyes.
Had to find you...
had to find you.

The breath of life that you breathe into me...
Is a hunger craved for eternity...
I am bound to you...
I am bound to you.

You show me laughter, you show me life...
it''s heaven on earth here with you tonight.
No longer lost...
now I believe we''ve found...
a sacred, sacred ground.

Obviously I skipped the choruses, I couldnt make it that easy.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My top 10 favorite quotes

10. A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

9. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

8. Experience is something you don''t get until just after you need it.

7. "Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you''re up to."

6. Maybe this world is another planet''s hell

5. everyone in life has a purpose, even if its to serve as a BAD EXAMPLE

4. Save the environment...plant a Bush back in Texas.


2."They misunderestimated me!" -George W. Bush"

1. "Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

Monday, August 15, 2005

Humor brightens all days!

Five reasons not to be a penis:
1) Your head is bald forever.
2) You live between two nuts.
3) An asshole lives behind you.
4) Your best mate's a cunt.
5) When you get excited, you get sick and then faint.

Before I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man, who''s not a creep,
One who''s handsome, smart and strong,
One who loves to listen long,
One who thinks before he speaks,
One who''ll call, not wait for weeks
I pray he''s gainfully employed,
When I spend his cash, won''t be annoyed.
Pulls out my chair and opens my door,
Massages my back and begs to do more.
Oh! Send me a man, who''ll make love to my mind,
Knows what to answer to "How big is my behind?"
I pray that this man will love me no end,
And never attempt to hit on my friend.
And as I pray beside my bed,
I look at the clown you sent me instead.

I pray for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge boobs
who owns a liquor store. Amen.

Eve, in the Garden of Eden, said, "God, I have a problem.
It's a beautiful garden, but I'm lonely and I'm sick of eating apples."
"Okay," God said. "I'll create a man for you."
Eve said, "What's a man?"
"He is a creature with aggressive tendencies and an enormous ego who doesn't listen and gets lost a lot, but he's big and strong, he can open jars and hunt animals, and he's fun in bed."
"Sounds great!" said Eve.
"There's just one thing. He's going to want to believe I made him first."

Soon she'll be gone...

I cant believe my mom is really moving, she leaves on Saturday for Texas. We had a going away party for her this weekend; bad idea. Everything was good at first, then the alcohol set in. My mom and my sister got into a huge fight because my sister is mad shes leaving. Then like always they bring me into it. My sister told me she doesnt understand why Im not upset. My mom is 53, she raised 4 daughters in Cleveland and now shes ready to leave. Of course I am going to miss her, but she is a grown woman I cant stop her. My sister doesnt see it that way she thinks my mom is being selfish, when in reality she is the one being selfish.

I think the hardest part is going to be Christmas, my mom isnt planning on coming home for the holidays. This is going to be the first holiday without my mom or grandfather (he passed away in February). Its going to be very hard on me. All of my sisters are married with children, They''ll wake up and still be with their family. I will be alone. I cant go to Texas because I only have 2 days off from work, and its not worth it to go for a day. I''m not looking forward to the holidays at all.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Not everyone is perfect...

Why do women get labeled just because of who their friends are? I cant help that some of my friends are whores. I cant tell them "oh we cant be friends because you are a slut." But yet I get labeled as a whore because I am their friend. A few months ago I went to Windsor with some friends and my boyfriend. The last night we were there I ended up falling asleep early, so my friends went out alone. I get a call in the hotel room about 5AM from my friend M. She is crying and screaming at my other friends C and L. To make a long story short M was mad because she couldnt be alone to fuck some guy she just met because L was getting a train ran on her and C had gave some guy head. A little confusing? I know. Anyway my boyfriend got on the whole "well if I wasnt here you would probably be doing the same thing" We argued the whole way home, for nothing. He knows I''m not a whore but he thinks that when Im with them I do what they do. I hate that. I am my own person. But he knows what alcohol can do to people and he gets nervous that I will get to drunk. Its not my fault they are the way they are.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Tastes like.... human?

Mark Nuckols, a business student at Dartmouth, has begun selling a tofu-like food, Hufu, that is flavored to resemble what he believes is the taste of human flesh. His target audience is those who already enjoy cooking with tofu, as well as any actual cannibals who might settle for artificiality in order to avoid legal problems and logistical hassles. Nuckols said he has never tasted human flesh but based his recipe on cannibals'' reported descriptions of the flavor.


(1) Lisa G. Berzins, a nationally known psychologist and expert on eating disorders, was arrested in a West Hartford, Conn., convenience store in July after, according to police, passing out from inhaling the aerosol from three cans of whipped cream. (2) The Virginia Employment Agency, which handles unemployment compensation, announced layoffs of 400 employees in June for lack of work because unemployment is so low in the state. (3) Todd Christian, 26, who flies 40 feet through the air as "Todd the Human Cannonball" for Britain''s Cottle and Austin Circus, was fired in June because he refused a training assignment in Brazil, protesting that he doesn''t like long airplane flights.


1) Thomas E. Mason was charged with robbing the Fortress Bank in Winona, Minn., in June; he was arrested nearby and identified by bank employees, but the main evidence against him was the threatening holdup note, which began, cheerfully, "Hi, I''m Thomas Mason." (2) Henrick Alemba Kutwa, 29, was arrested in Durham, N.C., in June and charged with numerous counts of using stolen credit cards; he was caught when he used one card at a local motel and signed the receipt with his own name.


Smoke started rising from Israel''s finance minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he was sitting for a radio interview in Jerusalem; he had stuffed his lighted cigar inside a pocket to comply with the room''s no-smoking policy (May). In Foreman, Ark., Jeff Foran, 38, suffered facial injuries when he leaped from a fast-moving car to retrieve his cigarette, which had blown out of a window (According to a state trooper, alcohol was involved in Foran''s decision.) (May). In New York City, a 28-year-old man fell to his death from a ninth-floor window sill, and police believe a gust of wind might have dislodged him while he was taking a cigarette break from an otherwise smoke-free apartmen

A long awaited reunion

I need some advice. My sister is pregnant, we havent spoken to my father or his side of our family for about 10 years. I feel obligated to call my grandparents and let them know. But I cant bring myself to do it. I feel awkward just calling them after so long. I would love to finally speak to them, and I have a half sister that I''ve never even met. But the main thing is I hate my father. Hate is a strong word and that is why I use it. He is a loser, I honestly think he never loved me; and I know I dont love him. I guess I''m more afraid of my grandmother giving him my number or something. I cant tell her I dont want him having it, she just wouldnt understand. So how can I communicate with her and not my father? Its a very touchy subject with my family, thats why I''m asking you guys for some help...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Have you ever had a dream that makes you wake up with a smile? I did last night, but my dream wasnt that funny. In my dream I was sitting next to my boyfriend who happened to be naked. He was hiding something from me, so I looked down by his feet; and I saw a girl fuck*ng him with an orange dildo. What the fuck does that mean? Am I subconciously telling myself something? There has been times when he gets really drunk and mentioned old girlfriends licking his ass (something I would NEVER do). Maybe he likes it, maybe I should ask him if I can do it for him...Hell I might like it...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Some people...

Today we had some depositions in our office. My boss is representing this 15 year old girl. Her boyfriend broke into her house around 4am. Held a gun to her head and raped her. A normal person would think this is an open and shut case. Wrong... The young mans attorney claims because the girl wrote his client letters asking him if he wanted to have sex with her, which lead him on, its her fault. Can you believe this guy? I mean how ignorant is that... He also tried to tell my boss that since we would only be making like 10 thousand dollars on this case that it isnt worth our time even pursuing it and that we should just drop it now. What a fuck*ng cunt. The bad thing about it is that he is very convincing. I mean someone in the jury might actually believe him; and this boy might go free. I will never understand how someone can try to prove a defendant innocent when its this obvious that he is guilty... THE POLICE CAUGHT HIM IN HER HOUSE, WITH THE GUN.. How much more obvious does it need to be?

Another day another problem...

Figures that on one of the two busiest printing days of the month for me my printer breaks. I thought "well no big deal, luckily for us we''re located next door to a computer repair shop".

Yeah right, I'm never that lucky, of course there isnt anything they can do. So now I have the pleasure of telling one of our clients that they will not be receiving their checks until my printer gets fixed.

See one of the attorneys here is also a CPA, and he does payrolls for small companies. For some reason my printer is the only one that can print the checks, you would think he would have some sort of back up.. One company inparticular gets paid on the 5th and 20th of the month. They havent been paid in 15 days, and now they''re going to have to wait longer. And who is the lucky one to break the news?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I need SLEEP!!!!

Have you ever woken up and feel like you just went to sleep? Its happened to me before, but lately its been like that every morning. All week I''ve just been so exhausted; it sucks having to come in to work when I can barely keep my eyes open. Expecially this job where I am alone until 10:30 with no work, I wish I could just take a power nap. My luck my boss would come in early and find me sleeping..

But of course by the time I get home I cant sleep, then I'm up until 12. Another thing that annoys me is that this past weekend when I was gone, I woke up every morning at 7AM. Even when I didnt go to sleep until 3 or 4, I was still up and not able to fall back asleep. I've never been a good sleeper but this is ridiculous. I havent slept through a whole night in months... I''m going crazy!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I saw one of my childhood friends yesterday, we were best friends from the age of 11 to 17. We were together everyday, were interested in the same things, and had all the same friends. But our lives couldnt have been any more different. She was the oldest of 4 kids, I was the youngest of 4 kids. She lived with both parents whom were very strict and made her take care of her younger siblings. Me on the other hand, lived only with my mother who was a very bad alcoholic as I grew up (5 years sober now). I was usually home alone, able to come and go as I pleased. There were times when I would come home fucked up either on drugs or alcohol and she never knew. Well maybe she did, but just couldnt face the fact that I might become like her.

When I first met her and her family, I thought her life was perfect. I wanted a family like that. At the time I thought she would grow? up to be this successful woman, with the perfect family. And I would end up just like my mother, alone going from asshole to asshole trying to just find someone to show me alittle love. Using alcohol to help me forget about my problems. I hated my life, there were so many times when I just wanted to run, and never look back. But I couldnt, I couldnt leave my mother; she needed me.

As we got older, I started to enjoy my freedom. She on the other hand started hating her parents. She wasnt? allowed to do much, so she started sneaking out of the house, cutting school, and lying about little things. Eventually little lies turned into huge lies. I remember one day she had cut school for a week straight and got caught. She knew she would be in alot of trouble if she didnt come up with a lie fast, so she told her parents one of our friends had raped her.I hated the fact that she did that, because I knew the sex was consensual, I mean she was a whore. She slept with more people her first month of having sex than I have slept with in my whole life. Eventually they went to court and he was found not quilty.

Now she is engaged to an aquaintance of mine with no job,cheats on her all the time, and basically treats her like shit. She gradualted from high school but has never had a real job. She was recently fired from McDonalds for letting a coworker smoke crack? in the bathroom and not reporting it.

I just dont know what happened. Was it because her parents were so strict? I wish I could help her, I dont know what to do, I mean I hate seeing her like this. I want her to be successful, but its like she doesnt want that.Quess its really none of my business how she? lives her life but I feel like I should offer some help.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Well here we are again.

Well I''m back, which sucks but what can you do... This weekend was alot of fun. The ride down wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Thursday night I ended up getting pretty drunk, I dont remember anything. Luckily for me I didnt embarrass myself too badly. I think I had about 8 martinis, but I hadnt eaten so they hit me fast.

Other than that night, I really didnt drink too much. I had this horrible stomach ache, I think it might have been from some sushi I had eaten. We went to the casino, I won like $100, not to bad; but my boyfriend won $1500 playing texas holdem. He's actually really good, last time we went he won about the same. Actually everytime we've gone to a casino he has won... Must be nice...