Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ummm... what the hell just happened?

Okay, I'm no computer whiz, that's obvious. I'm sometimes surprised at how much I can actually do.

But I do know that something went seriously wrong yesterday and of course I get to fix it. Yesterday I was doing some work (yeah, I sometimes actually have work to do!) anyway I was working on some deeds on "Floppy 1" we will call it. While doing this I realized that I needed to pull up some info from another floppy "floppy 2". So I took out floppy 1, put in floppy 2, pulled up the info and switched back to floppy 1. (I know, its confusing just be patient!) Okay, so I went to pull back up the stuff on floppy 1 and it was gone! And to top it off , instead of just being erased which then could have been restored it was overwritten by the info on floppy 2. So now I have 2 floppies with the same info and all the other info is gone! WTF!!!

I just don't understand what the hell happened... I called our IT guy and he said that he has never heard of anything like that. That usually when stuff like this happens floppy 1 would just be blank, but for the info from floppy 2 to some how be saved onto floppy one is weird. Not once did the system ask if I wanted to overwrite or delete any info. Ugh... now I get to go back and re-do all the work that I have done over the last month and a half.

Anyway, how exciting is it to finally have St. Pattys day on a friday... I will (hopefully) be drinking green beer all day.. I will be trying to convince my boss to let me leave early so I can go to the parade. I am Irish after all! We'll see if he is in a good mood or not. Maybe I will bring it up today and he will be nice enough to let me have the whole day off!!! yeah right, but I can dream cant I. A and I will be spending the day together hopefully... Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of his heart attack. Its weird to sit back and think of that day a year ago. All the thoughts that were running through my head when I found out. I couldn't believe it was happening. I mean, how many 30 years olds do you know to have a serious heart attack. And especially him, he has always been into sports and exercising... The doctors said it was all stress, hardly anything to do with his heath. I'm sure he will be in a weird mood tomorrow, I'll just have to be there to let him blow off some stress in.. oops I mean on me! ;)

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

Have a good time drinking green (ick) beer! Now get back to redoing all of that work!

4:02 PM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

Damn computers sometimes!!
Hope you can get off work to get an early start on that green beer.

How scary that A had a hear attack at age 30! That may be a hard anniversary for him. i'm sure you can help relieve his hard stress!!!

7:42 PM  
Blogger apositivepessimist said...

ut ohh to yer floppy problem.

happy st patty's day!

*barks out a cackle* at the last line...yer baad! now you take it easy on him he don't want to re-live the experience from a year ago ;)

3:24 AM  

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