Monday, March 06, 2006

I never knew I could miss her that much

I sat and re-read that last post.... What was up with me? I think I was high on sleepiness!!!

I do feel much better now. Saturday I slept in until 3 PM, and it felt so good. Now that my schedule is back to normal hopefully I will be back to normal too. I am just soo happy to have that week behind me. Although, I will admit I am glad that I worked all those hours. It helped a lot to get used to the drink prices and how to make certain drinks. (you'd think with how much I go out that I would know all the drinks!)

Wednesday I have a meeting with the financial aid advisor at the college I am going to attend (again). The meeting should have been avoidable though... They are trying to tell me that because I am under 25 and don't have any children that I am still a dependent. WTF?!?! I haven't lived with my mother for over 7 years and I haven't been dependent on any one during those 7 years... I know I am a "special circumstance" but I don't understand why they couldn't have established that over the phone instead of making me come in. Its not like my story is going to change just because I will be meeting with them in person.

Hmm... what else has been going on. Oh, my monthly visitor has yet to stop by this month. She was supposed to be here a week ago! I thought she was here but I was wrong... Unless that is, she is only staying for a day this month. Hopefully she gets here soon! I'm thinking that maybe because I have been stressed and with working all those hours that she is just running behind. I guess we will see in a day or two... As much as I love A the last thing I need is a baby. I barely have time for my cats! And plus his kids are enough...

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

Yikes! That visitor better show up soon! Don't you hate when people keep you waiting? Oh, we're not talking about that? Oh, sorry.

How exciting you are going back to school. I'm thinking about it once we get to Atlanta. Just thinking at this point. It costs money and I have none.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

Oh eeeeek!!! I hope it's just stress. Whenever I actually spent the money to buy a home preg test and took them and they would come out negative, I would start the next day. Never failed.

Since when are people under 25 dependents? That screwed up. Glad you got caught back up on your sleep!

PS.. I could never get my cats in water either without being clawed to death. No thanks!

8:12 PM  

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