Not one year can slip by...
I thought I was clear... I thought I was actually gonna fly under the radar this year... I thought too soon!
I should have known this would happen. I mean I was in a house with 3 sick people all weekend.. What did I expect. Well, I woke up this morning feeling like shit! Nooo.... I don't wanna be sick! I want atleast one winter where I am not sick for weeks and weeks. I thought that with this nice weather we have had so far that this could be the year. Nope.
So here I am, no sick days left since I used them for my trip to vegas and now I am sick. Damn it... I know its from A's daughter. She slept in bed with us last weekend. I remember waking up like 4 times with her coughing in my face. Everytime I woke up we were face to face, our noses practically touching and there she was just coughing away with all her nasty germs going right down my throat! I kept turning my back to her but I guess in my sleep I kept turning back around. WTF...
Now I feel like crap!! My head is pounding, my nose is stuffed on second then running like its in a marathon the next, and my eyes are constantly watering, but the thing that hurts the most is my throat... It is soooo sore. I keep coughing like every 30 seconds. I'm surprised my bosses haven't said anything to me yet. Do they really wanna catch my cooties? I guess so.. I know when I worked for the insurance broker the second I sounded a little congested they made me leave... Luckily there I didn't have sick days and if they made me leave I still got paid.. So all I had to do was show them I was sick one day and I got to stay home until I was "feeling better".. Oh, the good ole days!
I wonder if they are going to make me work tomorrow night? You would think that in a place where I would be handling peoples food and drinks that I wouldn't be able to work if I was sick. Hmm... we'll see.. If I'm lucky this will be gone by tomorrow night. I plan on going home and over dosing on night quill (sic).. Yuk! I hate that stuff... but it works. Its funny because my mom loves it... She actually enjoys taking it. She has problems, I know.
I should have known this would happen. I mean I was in a house with 3 sick people all weekend.. What did I expect. Well, I woke up this morning feeling like shit! Nooo.... I don't wanna be sick! I want atleast one winter where I am not sick for weeks and weeks. I thought that with this nice weather we have had so far that this could be the year. Nope.
So here I am, no sick days left since I used them for my trip to vegas and now I am sick. Damn it... I know its from A's daughter. She slept in bed with us last weekend. I remember waking up like 4 times with her coughing in my face. Everytime I woke up we were face to face, our noses practically touching and there she was just coughing away with all her nasty germs going right down my throat! I kept turning my back to her but I guess in my sleep I kept turning back around. WTF...
Now I feel like crap!! My head is pounding, my nose is stuffed on second then running like its in a marathon the next, and my eyes are constantly watering, but the thing that hurts the most is my throat... It is soooo sore. I keep coughing like every 30 seconds. I'm surprised my bosses haven't said anything to me yet. Do they really wanna catch my cooties? I guess so.. I know when I worked for the insurance broker the second I sounded a little congested they made me leave... Luckily there I didn't have sick days and if they made me leave I still got paid.. So all I had to do was show them I was sick one day and I got to stay home until I was "feeling better".. Oh, the good ole days!
I wonder if they are going to make me work tomorrow night? You would think that in a place where I would be handling peoples food and drinks that I wouldn't be able to work if I was sick. Hmm... we'll see.. If I'm lucky this will be gone by tomorrow night. I plan on going home and over dosing on night quill (sic).. Yuk! I hate that stuff... but it works. Its funny because my mom loves it... She actually enjoys taking it. She has problems, I know.
Oh geez! Kids coughing in your face! Hmmmm....that NEVER happens around my house. Yeah, right! I get so sick of saying "cover your mouth" that I just want to start wearing a face mask around them. Three of my four currently have colds so I know it's only a matter of time. My days are numbered. Feel better soon.
i couldn’t help but smile lilly when reading this...was more the fact that A’s daughter was okay about being in bed with the TWO of you’s. that’s acceptance in a way...
having said that i hope you kick the lergy soon.
Oh no!! You've got the sinus crap too! I hope you are feeling better by now!