Thursday, February 09, 2006

Mrs. Irresponsibility has left the building

Okay, she's gone!! I promise!!! dont give me that look.... I'm honestly gonna try! Hey, I'm being serious why are you laughing?

I was soo worried that my boss was gonna be pissed yesterday but he surprised be and wasn't mad at all.... Just said that I need to get it done.

So, even though I only got 3.5 hours of sleep last night since I worked I made myself get up 30 minutes earlier (so actually only 3 hours of sleep) to go to the dmv and start the process of changing it over. The only thing I hate about that is that the title bureau is only open til 4 during the week and 12:30 on Saturday and that is my next step. Damn them, don't they know saturday is my only day to sleep in?! Oh well....

What the hell is up with people not being mad at me lately for stupid things I have done. Not that I'm complaining... I mean, its just a little out of the ordinary. Usually people are mad for stupid reasons and now that they have had a real reason to be mad they're not.. hmm.... guess I should just milk it why I can!

well what else? lets see... oh, I was talking to C yesterday and we were talking about her new bf. I've known this guy for 10-12 years. He's pretty cool, and I guess he is really nice to her. She likes him a lot but they haven't had sex yet... I don't know about you, but I honestly believe that sex is a major part in a healthy relationship. Okay anyway... while I was in Vegas they stayed at my house. Some how they ended up taking a shower together (yeah, still no sex!!) then she saw it.... only about 2-3 inches of.... well... ya know! ha ha ha... 2.5 inches? and no, he wasn't cold! To top it off it was skinny too!!! ha ha ha..... Size does matter guys! to me, not so much length but width.. but if you have neither you're in bad luck!!! So we spent the night going over her options.. What would you do in this situation? leave one of the nicest men you have ever met or stay with someone you know will never fulfill you sexually? Tough Decision... Thank goodness I'm not her!!

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

Oh geez! I'm not even commenting on that last part. :)

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why not try having a healthy relationship with him then, (as you called it)?... try first, i say ;) maybe her eyes were bad that night lol

p.s. poor guy

1:40 PM  
Blogger Mr. Shife said...

Yes, I can't help out with the small weiner problem because that is definitely not my speciality.
I honestly believe sex is important too because if you have bad sex it is going to affect the relationship.

7:02 PM  
Blogger apositivepessimist said...

no wonder he's a nice guy...LOL

aww that's so mean.

5:54 AM  
Blogger yellowdoggranny said...

in texas there is a advertisement on tv where they give you a phone number to call where you can adopt a unit...maybe you can get a goup of people to go in and adopt a you local base and find out..we adopted a they all live with me..

4:09 AM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

Eeeeeeeeeeekkkkk! Run away! Run away!! LOL! Poor guy. But why should she have to suffer. Unless he has learned to make up for his... ummm... shortcomings in other ways. Maybe she needs to give him a test drive at least. :)

6:19 AM  

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