Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Love to Hate it and Hate to Love it!!!!

This month that is....

Not only is my friend C finally getting out of the hospital on the 13th....

I am also so excited about February that everyday this month is going to feel like an eternity! (yeah I know its still a month away, but I cant help but be excited!). I have sooo much going on next month, I'm not sure how I plan on juggling it all and work... I'm sure I'll figure out something.

My birthday is Feb 2nd and my anniversary is Feb 23rd. Just enough space between the two to basically celebrate the whole month! I know most people do not think birthdays are that big of a deal, I am not one of those people.... I love birthdays; yours, mine, everyone's! In my family birthdays were a big deal. Its your day to do whatever you want! People think (especially my bf) that this will go away with time, and as I get older I will start to dread them like everyone else. I cant say that will never happen, but I will say I hope that never happens. My birthday is the one day that I can actually look forward to, and for just one day a year my life can actually be just about ME!!! Which is a big deal, it seems like most of the time I am always helping, trying to make happy, or just condoling a few dear people in my life with whom everything is always about them (no, I'm not complaining... but damn can we talk about my life for once?) Maybe that's why I blog, to talk about all the not so important things that I just cant talk about with my friends.. Even if noone reads, atleast I'm getting it off my chest.
Okay, anyway... Like I was saying, it feels good to be able to dedicate one WHOLE day to me... Ohhh.... I just cant wait!

This birthday will be especially special because I will be in Vegas! Its a birthday/anniversary gift from my bf. I cant wait!! I've never been to Vegas, hopefully I can handle it! LOL... I'm sure I can hold my own.

After that, I will just be celebrating with various people. I guess that's why its good to have friends that don't know each other... It gives me a reason to celebrate more than once! Plus the fact that like 3 or 4 of my friends birthdays are also in February just adds to all the celebrating...

After all the b-day stuff, then we have Valentines day (not very important) but whatever... Then is my anniversary. I will plan all the festivities for this day... Hopefully I can come up with something sweet and romantic... There aren't very many things like that to do in Cleveland... I'll really have to work for this one, but hey he's worth it...

Let the count down begin:


<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

Happy New Year. Hey, it was actually MILD when I was up there! And hardly any snow. See? That was my Xmas present to you, to bring NC weather to Cleveland.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

I used to take melatonin and it did help. I would have to ask my doc if it would interfere with any current meds.
thanks for the tip!

10:54 AM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

Is my no-sleep already kicking in? I swore I left you a comment earlier, but maybe I just clicked on preview and forgot publish!
Glad you are going to Vegas for your birthday! Sounds like fun!!!

10:56 AM  

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