Thursday, December 15, 2005

bored? yeah, just alittle....

hmmmm..... not much to blog about the last couple days. Today I'm drawing a blank again.. Guess I need to call and re-order some of that flavor brain babs was talking about, I ran out of mine a couple days ago and have been too lazy to go pick up some more. A sex hotline is just what I need to get the brain juice flowing again!

The weather is crappy here, and I just found out that my bf is going to Phoenix for the Notre Dame/Ohio State game so he wont be home on new years eve. Thats bullshit! Oh well guess I'll just make it a girls night out... which isnt that bad, I was just hoping to spend it with him.

So my friend C is doing a lot better. Almost, too good. That sounds bad, but I mean it in a good way... See now that she can move again she is getting very restless. It was one thing when she couldnt move, she didnt mind being in the hospital. But now, 5 months later she is going crazy! I feel so bad for her. I couldnt even imagine how bored she must be... She has nothing to do and noone to visit her. 2 months before she went in, she kinda "dropped" all of her old friends (including me) for some new ones... Yeah, we still talked once in a while, but not very often. Well, I understood and didnt mind and of course have been there for her, but some other friends have not. They feel that if she wasnt there for them when she was fine, then why should they be there for her while shes sick. And of course all of her new friends have pretty much forgotten about her. But what can you do, things like this are brought on only by yourself... You should never forget old friends, they are usually the only ones that will stick by your side through tough times...

Well thats all I got... My mind went blank again!

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger Unknown said...

I run out of blog ideas often....I call it "blogstipation".

I can't remember what happened with your friend. Are your archives still over at the other place? If so, I'll go back through them and refresh my memory. I'm happy to hear that she's doing better.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

I set the time for the polls to close tomorrow at 2 PM CT, so 3 PM your time.
If you want to check out some hot reading...take a look at Amelia's blog on my links...jeez!! Totally different from what she wrote at the other place!!
Glad your friend is better. Like Denise, I don't remember exactly what happened. Sounds like YOU are a good friend. Hope C remembers that.

7:31 PM  
Blogger apositivepessimist said...

i reaaly like this blue...craps all ovah tha pink in a way.

i remember with yer friend ;) glad to hear she is doing heaps better...maybe that was a lesson she was sposed to learn regarding her mates [old and new]...still kinda sad tho. yer a good friend not to ditch her as well, especially when she needs one.

pity she don't have access to a laptop? blogging would take care of some boredom huh.

3:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there :-) thanks for your comment on my blog...glad you liked that link, i laughed.

i'm doing a girls' night out on New Year's too, we're gonna cut up the dance floor!


5:28 PM  

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