Didnt I say STFU?!?!

UGHHH.... today is one of those days where I wish everyone would just shut the fuck up! All day I've been dealing with bullshit.
People who cant speak english, yelling at me because the Consulate is out of the country and they need a visa NOW because they already bought their plane tickets...
Why would you buy your plane tickets before you get your visa, do they expect us to work magic? what if the visa doesnt get here in time... Then they're out of their money and we have to apologize for something that isnt our fault!
Then I get stuck doing things that arent my job... I wouldnt normally care, but its affecting me personally...
Why should I have to stay after work to wait for some lady to come pick up her settlement check, because she doesnt want to wait until Friday when my boss offered to drop it off? If she needs the money so fucking bad, she should have left her house (in Columbus) an hour earlier, so she would be here by 5.
But nooo.... now because I am the only one here and she so desperately needs this check I have to cancel my doctors appointment which I have waited over a month for so I can be here for this wench!!!
Who knows how long I am going to have to wait to see this doctor now.