Whores will be whores...
Even though some might see this as a bad trait, I love it.
Dont you just hate it when you try to warn someone about something and they just ignore you? I know people learn from experience, and me telling them isnt going to work.
But when I have experienced something, I dont want people I care about to have to go through the same thing, its just pointless.
But when they do its always good to say I TOLD YA SO!!! of course not to their face, just in my head! (you dont wanna rub it in!) but I do, do the whole "I told ya so... I told ya soo" song and dance in my head. All the while comforting them like a good friend should.
About 14 months while I was still dancing I started dating the DJ of the club(who also worked at 3 regular night clubs at the time), we'll call him J. Me and J got along very well. Of course I dont know what I was thinking, everyone knows DJs are whores. I mean they get all the groupie sluts who think its cool to be all over the DJ. Whatever....
Anyway, there was this waitress at my club named E. She was a slut! She would get wasted and make out with anyone, she even kissed the homeless guy selling flowers (she did it for a free flower). Well J and I were fighting and to make me mad he slept with E.
The thing about J and I was we didnt want anyone at the club to know about our relationship, we could have gotten fired. So when I found out about their little sex fest, I couldnt really tell anyone at work.
~Fast forward 1.5 years....
My friend T, who also dances there has been in a long distance relationship for about 2 years. They travel to see each other about once or twice a month.
About 6 months ago T has become "best" friends with E. I tried to tell T to watch out for E, shes a little cunt who will try to take your man!!! But did T listen to me? NOOOO!!!! why didnt she listen, I tried to warn her.
Guess what happened..... Yep, Two weeks ago T thought something was up. So being the little sneaky bitch that us females can be, she went through E's stuff. And low and behold what did she find? E's cell phone bill with about 30 calls to and from T's man... and this was just for one month. It turns out, they have been secretely seeing each other since June. Now T is all sad, wanting to fight E, blah blah blah......
All this could have been prevented, if she just would have listened. Now she lost her man and her "best" friend...
Can I just say it, I have to say it just once......
Dont you just hate it when you try to warn someone about something and they just ignore you? I know people learn from experience, and me telling them isnt going to work.
But when I have experienced something, I dont want people I care about to have to go through the same thing, its just pointless.
But when they do its always good to say I TOLD YA SO!!! of course not to their face, just in my head! (you dont wanna rub it in!) but I do, do the whole "I told ya so... I told ya soo" song and dance in my head. All the while comforting them like a good friend should.
About 14 months while I was still dancing I started dating the DJ of the club(who also worked at 3 regular night clubs at the time), we'll call him J. Me and J got along very well. Of course I dont know what I was thinking, everyone knows DJs are whores. I mean they get all the groupie sluts who think its cool to be all over the DJ. Whatever....
Anyway, there was this waitress at my club named E. She was a slut! She would get wasted and make out with anyone, she even kissed the homeless guy selling flowers (she did it for a free flower). Well J and I were fighting and to make me mad he slept with E.
The thing about J and I was we didnt want anyone at the club to know about our relationship, we could have gotten fired. So when I found out about their little sex fest, I couldnt really tell anyone at work.
~Fast forward 1.5 years....
My friend T, who also dances there has been in a long distance relationship for about 2 years. They travel to see each other about once or twice a month.
About 6 months ago T has become "best" friends with E. I tried to tell T to watch out for E, shes a little cunt who will try to take your man!!! But did T listen to me? NOOOO!!!! why didnt she listen, I tried to warn her.
Guess what happened..... Yep, Two weeks ago T thought something was up. So being the little sneaky bitch that us females can be, she went through E's stuff. And low and behold what did she find? E's cell phone bill with about 30 calls to and from T's man... and this was just for one month. It turns out, they have been secretely seeing each other since June. Now T is all sad, wanting to fight E, blah blah blah......
All this could have been prevented, if she just would have listened. Now she lost her man and her "best" friend...
Can I just say it, I have to say it just once......