Wednesday, January 18, 2006

what happens in cleveland - stays in vegas!

Well this month is almost over and slowly approaching is my trip to Vegas... I'm not really as excited as I was before. Things have changed, and now I'm worried that me and the jackass bf aren't going to have fun together. Things are already starting between us about it.

Last night we were talking about it, all he kept talking about was gambling. Yeah, I enjoy gambling too just not as much as him. He can sit and play texas hold'em for hours and hours. I understand he wants to play, but if he expects me to sit and wait for him everyday to play, he has a rude awaking coming!! No fucking way am I going to spend my birthday/anniversary trip alone. WTF do I look like?

I just know this is going to start an argument. I'll be nice and give him one day, I mean I really cant say no-he is paying for everything. But I think one day is fair enough. I should be a bitch and not let him gamble at all..... He is still supposed to be kissing my ass; and since this week was useless because he is out of town all week(there hasn't been any ass smoochin going on) he needs to make it up to me. Sometimes I feel like since I have forgiven him that he thinks everything should automatically go back to normal.... Could he be anymore wrong?!?! I should have thought this whole trip thing over a little more and just had him take me to aruba or something. Honestly, what the hell was I thinking? who knows, I musta been smokin some good shit!

What I am excited about is that my friend Tone is getting out of prison today. He has to go to a halfway house for a couple of months but that's better than prison...(yeah, I know I have alot of friends in prison... ) The reason he went was soo stupid. Not drugs or anything like that.. One day him, his cousin and a friend got drunk and stupid. His cousin had a gun and ended up shooting some guys house (he was fighting with the guy). How fucking stupid is that? well my friend had gun powder on his hands too so he got in trouble also. Anyway, I cant wait to see him, its been 2.5 years and so much has changed... I cant wait to see what he looks like, or for him to see me... ( I look completely different than I did then) Hopefully he has learned something while in there and doesn't come out acting the way he did before. Maybe he will actually have a head on those shoulders and do something with his life! I would hate to see him ruin it again, he's getting chance to start over. Something that a lot of people would kill for. I know I would...

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

Good luck with that trip. The whole gambling thing, I just don't get it. I like to play poker but I don't understand having so much money that you can just throw it away on odds that aren't in your favor. Anyway, I hope that the trip works out in YOUR favor but I have to agree with you, you should have just gone to the Caribbean where he'd be forced to spend time with you. Men are jerks.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

Now, isn't this your birthday trip to Vegas? Yep, I'd make a list of all the things you want to do. Let him have some time at gambling, but certainly do your things as well. Maybe you could get some spa treatment or something while he is gambling? Hope you are able to have fun and make him pay. LOL!!!

6:40 PM  

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