Monday, January 09, 2006

Its her parrttyyyy she can dance if she wants too....

Suprisingly this weekend turned out pretty fun...

With C out of the hospital, but still not able to walk alone I decided to throw her a welcome home party. Something that was not easy for me to do... I have this problem with people being in my house, I hate when there are more than like 4 people there. I have no idea why but I have always been like this.

The party started off with only 5 of us at about 8pm. By 9:30 we were already headed back to the liquor store. Yeah, we were pretty drunk! We started off playing spades but soon we were playing this drinking game called waterfall... its probably the most exciting drinking game I've ever played. Its not one of those boring games where its all by chance or skill. Its more based on of how much can you remember, your vocabulary, reflexes and creativity! I love it, but it gets you DRUNK!!

By about 10-10:30 there were probably 10-15 people there. I know that's not a lot for a party but my apartment is small and like I said I don't like having people in my house. It was bothering me with them all there but C was having a great time... that's all that matters.

After we played cards everyone started dancing and being crazy... This guy B was dancing on my table, drinks were being spilt everywhere, everyone trying to talk over everyone else who were already talking over the music (which was probably too loud!) and some girl that is a friend of a friends being a fucking whore.... it was crazy! Everyone was pretty wasted except C, she only drank a little but she was buzzed. She even got up and was trying to dance with her walker. She used to be a very good dancer so she was trying to see what she could still do. There were a couple times I thought she was going to fall but our friends were always there to make sure she didn't.

By the end of the night I started being a bitch I guess. I don't really recall what I was saying but according to some friends I wasn't being very nice to certain people. I think it was because on top of all the alcohol I didn't what some of them there, but at the same time didn't want to kick them out.. I mean, it technically wasn't my party.

Other than that, everyone had fun! I'm sure my neighbors weren't too happy but fuck; C will only have to get out of the hospital after a 6 month visit once.... hopefully!

The next morning my house was TRASHED!!! It took me about 3 hours to clean... and of course I did it alone... oh well, that's what friends are for right?

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

I'm the same way. I hate big groups of people in my house too! Usually because of what you means a big mess to clean up afterwards. I can't see the fun side of it because I'm too busy looking at the WORK that lies ahead because of it.

Glad you had fun though. You deserve it.

4:55 PM  
Blogger apositivepessimist said...

hmm you need to tell me more about this 'waterfall' game...i love games especially when pissed lol. sounds like C had a tops time and all due to you really. good work lilly.

1:36 AM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

I remember having a party for the when the Dallas Stars were playing and won the Stanley Cup. I can handle people for about 5 hours. That's my limit. Then I need a break. This fucking game went into 3 overtime periods. I was telling people you know you are leaving as soon as this game ends, right?
Sounds like we both make great hosts!!! Glad you were able to hang in there for your friend and not murder anyone for dancing on your furniture.

PS..yes, I did set the cell phone alarm across the room, walked over and turned it off and went back to bed. :)

5:56 AM  

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