Tuesday, January 10, 2006


What a boring tuesday.... Nothing to do but sit here and fuck around! blah....

So after adding some pics to my page (don't ya just love happy bunny... he always tell the truth) I was thinking about what to blog. Nothing came to mind so I am just going to give shanon the rules to waterfall...

To start place all cards in the center of a table face down... mix around into a large pile.

After you pick a card keep it do not place it back in the pile!

Be sure to use your imagination!!! the more creative the players are the harder the game is!

cards action

2-5- "social" - everyone has to take one drink

6- whomever pulls this card must take 6 drinks

7 & 8- "category" for example- name brands of shoes, clothes, etc. You start with the
person to the right of whomever pulled the card and go in a circle. The first to
repeat an answer or not have an answer must take one drink.

9- "rhyme" same idea as 7-8 but with words that rhyme

10- "thumbmaster" this one is kinda tricky... whomever has this card is
the thumbmaster until someone picks another 10. As the
thumbmaster you can place your on the table (kinda like your pushing
a button) whenever and as often as you'd like. The last person to put
their thumb on the table has to take one drink.

Jack- Whomever picks this card chooses one person to take one drink

Queen- All the ladies take one drink

King- All the guys take one drink

Ace- Whoever picks an ace gets to make up ANY rule they would like. For
example they can make a rule where noone can say the words drink,
drank, or drunk (that's the most common rule because its very hard to
not say those words while playing) Some other common rules are; no
elbows on the table, no words beginning with any certain letter, etc. Whoever
does not "obey" the rule must take a drink or maybe more if there is
a rule for that.There is no end to the possibilities of these rules. They affect
all players including the person who made the rule and last the entire
game. When another ace is pulled you cannot make a rule to "cancel" out
another rule already made. All rules must be valid until the end of the game!!!

Well that's about it, sounds kinda confusing but its a lot of fun. There really isn't a winner, I guess the person who lasts the longest wins....

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger apositivepessimist said...

hey thanks lilly i have copied and pasted so i can print it out later...hmmm wonder if i could get my oldies playing this heehee ;)) bet they would!

6:36 AM  

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