Tuesday, December 06, 2005

What fun?!?!

This weekend was pretty uneventful for me. I finally broke down and bought a new phone. I couldnt wait any longer. Since I havent had a phone I have been unable to talk to my mother. I called her yesterday and can you believe that she moved with out telling anyone? She was staying with her bf's family until they found a place of her own. When I called that house, they told me they moved and dont have a phone yet. WTF? she could have atleast wrote a letter. I mean, she is my mother... Does she not think that we worry about her? Shes down in Texas with no family (no real family atleast, just her loser bf's family). I hate when she does stupid shit like this!

On Saturday after getting kinda drunk at a party, my friend E, her boyfriend and I stupidly decided to go sleading... Bad Idea! It was about 3 am, and freezing! The snow wasnt compacted enough so we really werent going anywhere. More like bellyflopping onto a frozen ground covered with a foot of snow, and sliding about 2 feet. I am covered in bruises...

Suprisingly there were other people there too... I'm assuming there was alcohol involved in their decision also!

Its so funny to hear everyone down south talk about getting snow. How they have to do this and do that because they are getting like 3 inches of snow... Ha ha ha! If only they knew! We get three inches in three minutes! All I can say is it must be nice... Today when I left for work it was 7 degrees outside, a new all time low (back in '77 I think it was 8 degrees) but remember thats not factoring in the wind chill which makes it feel like its only -10 degrees... Thats cold, and this is just the beginning. When your standing out in this crap (yeah, I'm still taking the damn bus) it actually hurts! When that cold wind hits your face, it feels like... shit, I cant even explain what it feels like, but it HURTS!!!! Then when its snowing, it hurts even worse. The snow feels like little needles poking your skin. Brrrrr.......

Damn, why didnt I move to Texas with my mom? Now I'm stuck here for another crappy winter... This will be the last one! I gotta get the hell outta here!

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

There's always the chance it will be a mild winter. I remember awful Novembers and Decembers in the past that gave way to gorgeous Jan.'s and Feb.'s with hardly any snow at all. And sledding...without a sled? Very interesting! No wonder you're hurting!

1:39 PM  
Blogger lilly said...

We had sleds.... They just werent working very well!

2:51 PM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

7 degrees!! Ick! I once felt wind chills of -20 in Minnesota running from the car to the airport door. That was enough pain for me. I couldn't live in it. I may complain about 100 plus degrees here in August, but I couldn't stand being cold until it hurt!
LOL at the sleding. Sounds like something I would have tried while drunk and with my past, I may have done it and can't remember.
If you had moved to Texas with your mom, it sounds like you wouldn't know where you were living! Wow! Hope you get a letter or something soon.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Go to this website for the HTML code...I can't type it out here..it won't show up properly.

You will need a URL that ends with .mp3 or .wav for this to work correctly.

You can Google a song title or you can go to www.dogpile.com (they have an audio search option).

Once you have the URL of a song, insert it into the code then place the code in your blog template.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

I love Netflix. I've been using it for over a year now. If you live near a major city, usually you get your movies the next day in the mail. I think they always have a free 2 week trial thing that is offered, but you have to give your CC number and cxl before the 2 weeks or be charged for the next month. I do the 3 at a time unlimited level. They have different levels to chose from.
If you ever get one that is damaged, you just fill out a thing on-line and they go ahead and ship a replacement before you ship the damaged one back.

4:02 PM  

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