I am in love with these dogs. For those who havent heard of them, they are a hybrid dog, a mix of a female beagle and a male pug and they are adorable!!! I want one so badly, but I already have 2 cats in my apartment and I think that is enough. They usually grow to be about 13 inches and 15 lbs. They are very friendly... They have some at a local pet store, when I seen them I was so tempted to buy one, my friend E had to drag me out of the store!
I love my cats to death but they drive me crazy!!! My cat Miko is very dominate, he has to get what he wants when he wants it or else he meows, and I mean constantly! He will follow me around and just ... meow, meow, meow, meow non-stop. I cant stress the word constantly enough... Seriously, there might be a 2 second pause between each meow, if that! Then my other cat Lilo, she has a serious problem. Before she was mine, she belonged to my neighbor (about 2 years ago). He was an ass... One day he decided that he didnt want her anymore so he kicked her across the street. When I say kicked, I mean kicked. I was so angry at him and felt so sorry for her, so I took her in. Because of that incident, she hates people. Not me, she loves me to death and is very affectionate... But she will not come out when other people are over my house. Everyone thinks I only have one cat, even my bf didnt even know that I had 2 cats until I told him. I cant take her to the vet because she will not let me put her in the carrier. Oh, and dont make any loud noises because she will have a heart attack! When she is laying on my lap and something startles her, I get sliced and diced with her claws.... Once I was trying to put her in the carrier and it took me over 2.5 hours andI even had her locked in the bedroom so she couldnt run! I had scratches all over me that day...
With what I put up with to have alittle affection... I could have just gotten a puggle and skipped all the pain!
First time I have ever heard of a Puggle, but they sure are cute, I can understand how you would be drawn to them :) Your car Miko wouldn't be Siamese would she? Those cats yak all day long, very vocal I am so sorry about Lilo,I better not EVER see anyone ill-treat a cat (or any other animal) because I would probably go to jail for giving them some of the same. Thank you for your nice comment on my blog, I really appreciate it....
Oh, that is cute!!
How long have you had the scaredy cat? I adopted one from a shelter and have had her for about 4 years now. She still hates and hides from other people, except me. But she doesn't get so frightened anymore by loud noises or sudden movements. When I first brought her home, she would get scared if I stood up to quickly or if I ran water. (she had lots of baths at the shelter because of ringworm and fleas).
She's overcome most of it and I can do almost anything to her and she doesn't freak. She still has no intrest in other people and hides under the bed when people come over.
The cat carrier. Get it out a day in advance. Then shut off door(s) for escape the day of... When the time comes, pick her up by the back of the neck firmly and try to secure the back legs with your other hand and drop her into the carrier backwards. I have to tip the carrier up and do this or else I will come out a bloody mess from cat scratches. Man, I wish I could kick that guys ass!!
Just remember...dogs bark too, sometimes non-stop! But those sure are cute dogs!!
aww i want one also now. whats the damage [$] fer one of them puggles.
i love the 'brand' name puggles.
LFB ex father in law had a pug. maan it was the funniest thing.
okay i came back to look at the puggles again.