your a mean one..... Mr. Grinch

After talking to my sister yesterday, I was kinda disappointed... Since she is having soooo many people over for christmas, instead of having a typical christmas dinner she is only having a deli tray. Damn!!! the food was the only thing I had going for me this year... WTF?!?! I just wish this whole holiday bullshit would end already! All it is doing is causing me stress! I have decided to not buy gifts for my nephews and nieces, there are just too many of them and I cant afford it this year. All I'm buying for is my mother, my bf, and my bosses. Thats where my next dilema lays... What the hell should I get my 2 bosses. Obviously something cheap. I will most likely make some sort of "treat basket" for them, but cookies are so blah.. Anyone have any other tasty treats that are easy and cheap to make? I've been going over recipies all day and havent been able to find anything appealing.
Oh, and remember how I couldnt "find" my mother... well get this, she called my three sisters to give them her phone number and address but didnt call me. Umm..... none of my sisters even knew she was unreachable until I told them! So why is it, that she can call the ones who werent even worried about her but she cannot call me. Ughhhh!!!
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Okay I am a retard. Let's try this again
I'm so ready for this to all be over with too. Don't worry about the picture, I'll post it on a weekday for you and I'll give advance warning. Such concern! Sheesh, you'll probably be so non-plussed by it anyway! This all hinges on me winning. I want to but I'm not banking on it. I win nothing, ever!
Oh Lily! Why are you still going back over to that OTHER place to blog. This one is sooooo much nicer!
Bosses get presents? Isn't you working for them a big enough gift??? :)