Friday, December 02, 2005

Bad boys bad boys... whatcha gonna do? Make sure you dont have any plans!

Is it just me, or does it seem that anything dealing with cops takes forever? They take their merry time and are inconsiderate to others schedules.....

Yeah, they protect us, blah blah, blah..... But we have things to do and cant always wait for them. Is it really that necessary to take 30 minutes to give me a sheet of paper?

I tried to go make a police report today for my lost purse... ( I know its been a week but remember I am a procrastinator!)

My bf was supposed to pick me up at 7:30, but due to the shitty weather didnt get there until 8:05. And of course he had a plane to catch at 10. We made it to the station about 8:20... signed in and sat and waited.... and waited..... and waited.....

There was noone else there, its not like they were busy. All I needed to do was fill out a stupid paper, but nooooo.......

One guy came out and said someone would be with us in a few minutes. Yeah right, they never came. We watched them through the window, they were just sitting there talking and laughing. WTF? we had to leave, so I never got to file the report.

Do they not realize that the people they are there to help might actually not have 2 hours to wait for them to "feel" like helping us? Everytime I've ever had to go to a police station, this was the story.

When my ex first went to prison and I would take money and things for him, I would usually wait 15-20 minutes before anyone would even ask me why I was there. Then once I told them, it would take them another half hour to get the book, look up his name and take down my info. Then it would take like 10-15 more minutes for them to make sure I wasnt smuggling anything in the stuff I brought. It took forever! An hour of my time, wasted! It could have been done in half the time if they would have actually did what they were supposed to and not fooled around with each other.

Damn cops!

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

Was this actually in Cleveland or one of the suburbs? I had to make an accident report at the district station on Fulton one time and I was AMAZED at the speedy service I got there! I was in and out in probably 20 minutes and on top of that, the cop was really nice to me! You must have gotten there before the new shift had their coffee or something.

11:45 AM  

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