Monday, October 31, 2005

One.. Two... Freddies coming for you...

What is your first memory?

I have few memories as a child, and the two most dramatic ones are actually pretty disturbing.

According to my sisters I was about 2 1/2 maybe 3 when one of my sisters boyfriend gave me a kitten. Back then fast food restaurants gave their happy meals in plastic buckets with lids to them. My family and I were leaving for the afternoon and my sister told me to put the kitty somewhere warm, assuming I would put it in its bed. But me being the smart kid I was thought there was somewhere warmer to keep it. Hours later we returned and my sister told me to go get the kitten. So I did... Here I come running out of my bedroom with this bucket, and I still remember to this day opening the bucket and telling my sister.."Look I did a good job of keeping the kitty warm, its still sleeping!" I was so excited that I was a "big girl" and took care of the kitten. My sister never told me that I had killed the kitten, but later told me it ran away. Everytime my family brings this up it makes me cry, I think just because I remember so vividly seeing the kitten "sleeping"...

Yeah, I know I am a horrible person....

This next memory just shows one of the ways I was tortured as a kid. My sisters always bullied me!
When I was about 5 or 6 we lived behind my grandparents house, so the yard was very large and there were alot of hiding places. In our house the door to the basement was in the bathroom. I hated that door! it scared the crap out of me... This was also about the time I started watching scary movies, and I was terrified of the nightmare on elm street movies. (Actually I still am to this day, I love scary movies but those are the only movies I cannot watch, I even still have nightmares about him! and I think its because of this...) Well my sister J and R decided to play a trick on me. J locked R in the bathroom and R acted like someone was attacking her. About 10 minutes later R came out dressed like Freddie Kruger. It was Horrible!!! I was so scared.... she chased us around the yard for a couple of minutes than ran back into the bathroom. Then she would come back out normal and I told her what happened, she acted all freaked out them J locked her back in the bathroom and everything started again. I remember looking into my grandparents window and seeing my grandmother. I told my sister J that we should go in there and she told me that Freddie had already killed them and if we did they would attack us. My sister chased me around atleast for a half hour, if not longer. I have never been so afraid in my life! When my mother got home they did get in trouble but I couldnt sleep in the dark for about 2 weeks.

What a memorable childhood...

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