Thursday, October 27, 2005


Ahh.... I love this time of year.

Well, actually just halloween, its my favorite holiday. I'm not really a holiday kind of girl; I dont really enjoy thanksgiving and I hate christmas. I'm like the grinch!

But halloween is great! I love everything about it, especially haunted houses. I love being scared, its an adrenalin rush thats better than any drug!

Theres one house in Cleveland that I wish they would make into a haunted house. Its called the Frankin Castle. Its one of the most beautiful structures I've ever seen...(and yes I have traveled, so its not like I've only seen the crappy buildings in cleveland!) It just has this magnetism that draws me to it.

Theres alot of history to this building, and most of it is kind of creepy... The building which was owned by Hannes Tiededman has over 40 rooms, with lots of secret passage ways. Its said that some people (mostly children and Hannes's family) were murdered back in the mid-1800s when it was first built. Dozens of baby skeletons were discovered years later in one of the passage ways, and thought to be victims of a doctors botched experiment.

There are lots of versions of the story, and of course its hard to separate fact from fiction... But its so interesting to know that there is a real haunted house right here in Cleveland.

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