Friday, January 20, 2006

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor....

Feel like shit? eh, just a little......

I went out last night with C and my friend T. The night started out okay... I guess it ended okay too.. But I did learn that my friend T is crazy when it comes to men.

I posted about her before when her bf of 2 years cheated on her (and is now dating) her "best" friend. Well since then she has been dating some guy Eric.. they were dating for a couple months when he proposed to her and she said yes. Now let me just say that these two knew nothing about each other... They didn't know the little things that your supposed to know, like she had no idea that he didn't eat steak. Come on, how are you going to be engaged to someone and not know that. Or she didn't know where he lived or worked... Only what he does for a living. So its obvious that this relationship was doomed from the beginning..

Last night, she made me and C ride with her to some corny bar in Mentor (atleast 40 minutes from my). When we walked in all we did was use the bathroom then we left... A waste of 1.5 hours? hell yes! Then on the way home (while me and C are already irritated from going all the way there) she decides she wants to find his house... Okay, that wouldn't be a problem if they were still together... but they broke up 2 weeks ago! WTF?!!? why do you want to find it now? Don't you think its a little too late? dumb bitch...

So after driving up and down this street for like 20 minutes some how she finally finds his house. (actually she talked his other girlfriend into giving her his address) Do you know what this bitch does? You wont believe it.... She turns around and drives home. WTF!!!!! you have got to be kidding me right? We just searched for his house like the dude was on americas most wanted or something and this chick is just gonna turn around and go home.... I just Don't get it... That was the most pointless thing I have ever done in my whole life!

Once we finally get back to cleveland we go to our regular bar.... While there we were celebrating C's birthday.. Okay, it really wasn't her birthday just the birthday of the girl on her fake ID... (shes young) Remember that C just got out of the hospital for being paralyzed for 6 months... she didn't want to take her wheelchair so she was only using a crutch... Not even 2 crutches just one... Anyway, she ends up getting sooo drunk. I guess these guys kept buying her shots, whatever I have no idea. But by the end of the night she could barely stand up and it didn't help that her ankles were hurting from trying to dance all night. So we go to the bathroom and I'm trying to help her but she wouldn't let me, she kept saying she could do it and for me to leave her alone... So I did... She was in the stall and the next thing I know she falls through the door lands on her stomach with her pants and underwear down to her ankles. I was trying so hard not to laugh (I knew she wasn't hurt, come'on I'm not that bad of a friend) I tried to help her up but she just sat right back down on the floor with no pants on.. Finally I was able to convince her to let me put her pants back on. Luckily there was no one else in there!

After going to my house and eating, then arguing with C because she thought she ordered food too but she didn't, and putting her to bed I think I finally went to sleep at like 3:30...

Oh, and you know what else, it feels so good to actually be able to remember the whole night... I'm really liking this no shot rule.... Being too drunk is so 1994....

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

Eeeew, sitting naked on a dirty public restroom floor! Drunk or not, that's disgusting! While in Mentor, you should have gone to the funny Fondue restaurant out there. It's so 70's.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Cassandra said...

Oh, I so don't miss being that drunk or friends that stalked ex boy friends houses... Blah! Move on!
Well, you may have woke up tired, but at least you probably didn't feel like total shit the next day like C probably did.

6:54 AM  
Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

RYC: I have had Honey Hut but it's been quite a few years. I seem to remember thinking it was good, liked the flavors, but I also seem to remember that I thought the consistency of Honey Hut was a bit too creamy for my tastes. I'm REALLY picky when it comes to ice cream so my word doesn't mean much!

11:48 AM  

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