Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Yeah, I admit we have problems...

So it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be...

Thats because lucky for me my father was out of town!! It was actually nice to see some of my family that I haven't seen in over 6-7 years. And to re-meet some of my family that I haven't seen since I was about 6 or 7... Its bad that this is the way we had to be reunited, but what can ya do?

Of course it was good to see my cousins (whom I despise by the way; because they are the type that think they are way better than us even though they came from the same family and neighborhoods)... It was good to see them because they have all gotten fat.. Not that there is anything wrong with people who are over weight, its just good to see them fat! See, my cousins and my sisters and I don't get along... its like we are always competing against each other even though we never see each other. Its hard to explain, its just a gossip thing I guess. Its like... okay, now that we have seen them and kinda caught up on everything; the car ride home is nothing but gossip and pretty much bad mouthing the others and its the same for them...

don't cha just love family!!!

Then you have the guy who just brags soo much.. All he (my cousin) did was sit there and brag to my brother-in-law about some stupid bike that he bought... Okay, he isn't rich so how can he afford a 35,000$ motorcycle you might ask? actually its kinda funny... see, his wife was caught steeling money from the government here in cleveland. Yeah, she was all over the news and everything.

But don't forget, they are better than I am... HA!!

But the award for the best story of the night goes out to my cousin P... She is the main one who walks with her nose stuck in the air... acting like her shit doesn't stink... Well, lately there have been rumors in my family that she has this new guy who is so great.. blah blah blah.. Turns out this guy is older than her father, with white hair and looks like humpty dumpty...You know, the kinda guy that's shaped exactly like the penguin from Batman... Oh, I just about lost it when I seen him... but I didn't, I stayed respectful to my late uncle.

I know I am a horrible person, the last thing that should have been on my mind were things like that. But hey, what did you expect. Yes I did love my uncle and I am sad that he died, but this is how my family is... just a little sick and twisted.. But really, whose not?

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

I had "rivals" like your cousins too while growing up. Ours were like second cousins or once or twice removed or something like that. Hell, I KNOW they were some kind of relatives. Anyway, we would have to always hear from my gramma, nonstop, about the kids in Dayton, how the kids in Dayton were so perfect and wonderful and respectful and loving and just EVERYTHING. I HATED the kids in Dayton and I never even really knew them all that well. LOL!

1:48 PM  
Blogger Cassandra said... gatherings...ain't they grand!

1:57 PM  
Blogger apositivepessimist said...

heehee. yeah EXACTLY! love it. bitter and twisted is GOOD btw.

tho bummer it's not so much that way with my family but with close friends of my parents...we called them uncle and auntie. i knew they always thought they were better than us...and a lot of the times they were [lol] but NOT in the times that counted like...if you know what i mean. i still enjoyed their friendships tho.

yeah the one with the lovely olive skin...from your heritage i expect.

9:10 AM  

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