Thursday, January 26, 2006

Who am I ?

Okay, so I'm bored.... I have nothing better to do than to shed some light on the person ya'll know as lilly...

101 things about me and my life!

1. I love useless facts
2. I name my animals after disney characters.
3. I have 2 cats names miko (the pug from pocahontas (sp?)) and lilo (from lilo and stitch)
4. I am the youngest of 4 girls.
5. when I was in the womb the doctors told my mother that if she had me I would be mentally retarded! WTF?
6. I own over 35 pairs of shoes.
7. I only have 1 pair of tennis shoes.
8. I took honors classes in middle and high school..
9. I enjoy being artistic..
10. I once dated my art teachers son.
11. I once dated a guy in MENSA.
12. My boyfriend now is 10 years older than me.
13. I love older men!
14. I now have black hair
15. I once had my hair 20 different shades at once.. (Nothing drastic, very subtle!)
16. I always dye my own hair and am very good at it.
17. My hair once turned green from my pool and it wouldn't come out for 6 months!
18. My real grandfather was hit by a train.
19. My mother has 7 brothers and sisters.
20. My father is a jackass!
21. I have a half sister that I have never met.
22. I have kissed a couple girls..
23. I lost my virginity at 16.
24. I didn't have my first orgasm until I was 19.
25. My ex-fiance was called the "kingpin" of cleveland.
26. I have 4 tattoos.
27. I had a pierced nipple, bellybutton and nose.
28. I have wrestled in pudding and bubblebath.
29. I danced for a total of 2.5 years
30. I can be very ornery...
31. I like smart asses!
32. My boyfriend is a smart ass.
33. I am not attracted to skinny guys, they have to be atleast double my weight.
34. I am 5'5 140lbs.
35. I am the tallest of my sisters.
36. I once worked for an insurance broker
37. I cant swim.
38. I can speak well in front of crowds
39. I'm in debt
40. I LOVE football!
41. I cant sing...
42. I love my cats more than most people.
43. My house caught on fire before.
44. My cat honey saved my life from that fire!!!
45. I had to get rid of honey and miss her soooo much!
46. When I was young I looked like a boy.
47. I am obsessed with counting things.
48. I recently learned how to knit.
49. I am a procrastinator.
50. I hate people who are always running late.
51. I love white wine.
52. I am very sarcastic
53. I think sarcasm is humor
54. I took a guys virginity.. (I will never do that again!)
55. I have never been in a fight with a girl
56. I have been in a fight with a guy
57. I do not look like anyone in my family
58. I had diverticulitious
59. It hurt like hell!
60. Vampires turn me on
61. I was felt up by a porn star before..
62. I am quiet around people I do not know.
63. I will NEVER go to a restaurant or bar alone!!
64. I mumble alot
65. I always put everyone else before me.
66. I can not pronounce massachusetts
67. I rock myself to sleep at night
68. I hate my name
69. I HATE onions and mushrooms
70. I am very punctual
71. Once I almost drowned in my bathtub, and was saved by my sister!
72. I am not into politics
73. I didn't vote, but now am kicking myself in the ass for not voting against bush!
74. I enjoy play wrestling with people
75. I can speak with my eyes.
76. I would have won prettiest eyes in highschool, but later found out it was rigged and that's why I lost.
77. I lost contact with all of my friends from school
78. I was a class clown
79. I was the president of the art club
80. I was only president because I was dating the teachers son.
81. I have my name in 24 karat gold on a mural in the school!
82. I broke my middle fingers 3 times playing football
83. I can be lazy
84. I am very loyal
85. I do not trust many people
86. I am dependable
87. I was once arrested for telling the truth but the cops thought I was lying.
88. I don't keep many friends for a long time
89. I have over 50 cousins and speak to none of them
90. my ass and feet are always cold like ice
91. my ass is ticklish.. ( I have no idea why..)
92. I judge part of a guys looks on his ankles!
93. My dancer name was Athena
94. I love fashion and often "touch up" my clothes with my own personal touches
95. I have gained 20 lbs in the last year
96. I once had a job cleaning out fish tanks
97. my favorite food is stuffed cabbage rolls
98. I am very girly
99. But I don't mind getting dirty!! I love the outdoors
100. my favorite color is black
101. I really don't care... I just go with the flow!

Damn, I cant believe you read all that crap! Well atleast you know have some incite on the person that I am! Hope you enjoyed it...

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> comments:

Blogger Cassandra said...

You must be bored. But I read it all!!! LOL!

9:55 PM  
Blogger apositivepessimist said...

yes i am a believer in #53 also. i hide it well tho huh. huh...ankles?? i am also big on the colour black but love bright colours [never wear them tho]. cabbage makes you fart...i hate cabbage...don't mind farting tho.

enjoyed reading this i did!

11:36 PM  
Blogger BriteYellowGun said...

Oh yeah, stuffed cabbage! Yum! Can't find that down here, it's one of those uniquely northern/Eastern European things. Like Sauerkraut. I could see you being called "Athena", with the dark hair, you look kind of Greek and mysterious.

I liked reading this. I've been bored here at work but I don't know if I could even come up with 101 things about myself!

9:12 AM  

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