Tuesday, September 13, 2005

As the pole turns

Most people would look at feet and think they are ugly... I am one of those people, but you'd be surprised at how many men actually like feet.

When I used to dance, men would come in all the time and want to look at your feet. They would have weird requests about licking, rubbing, and even smelling a girls foot.

We had one man who would come in every Saturday, he was always so nervous, that he would be trembling alittle. He would pay the girl like $200 to play with her feet. It was so nasty because he would bring in that sex lotion and lick it off of their feet.

There were a couple guys like that; most of which would just rub the girls feet. The worse part of that was that usually the girl had been dancing for a couple hours, and her feet would be all stinky and sweaty. But they liked that, YUCK!!!!!

When it comes to fetishes feet are about as noraml as they come. I've seen some very disgusting things in my life. Men can be very sick people, they like women to do sordid things to turn them on.

Off the top of my head here are some of the not so normal things men have asked my friends and of course my self to do:

- Lots of times guys would come in and want to be beaten. Seriously, they wanted to be kicked and punched as hard as you could in their balls, or even have their face stepped on; and stripper shoes are alot different than regular shoes. (this was always alot of fun, who wouldnt want to get paid for kickin some guy in his balls)

- A guy was a "regular" customer of one of my close friend, he knew when she would be on her period and would only come in then, he would ask her to pull out her tampon in front of him. He even asked if he could keep it. Thankfully she never did it.

- Verbal abuse was big too. We would have a lot of very submissive men come in and want to be treated like shit. They would want you to call them your bitch, and slap them until they said they were your bitch. They just wanted you to say the most dirtiest, nastiest things you could think of.

- One guy was very different, he didnt want the girl to dance at all. He would have her take off her clothes and throw them across the room, then take off her shoes and throw them across the room. Then he wanted her to put them back on and do the same thing about 5 or 6 times. Finally he would have her do topless cartwheels; over and over and over.

Well thats just the tip of the iceburg. Give me some time to think (it has been awile) and I'll post again about some of the more disgusting things that happen in the life of a stripper.

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