Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Can you hear me now?...... damn it!

Stupid, stupid me...

About a month ago I decided to change cell phone company to Sprint. Why? you might ask. Well I have no idea.
I was under the impression that I might actually have good service. WRONG.

My phone does not work in or around my house. I have no signal at all; so because of that I dont receive any of my incoming calls and most of the time my signal fades before I can make any calls. So I called sprint, threw a little fit and they did a diagnostics on the tower by my house. They call me back 3 days later to tell me that there isnt anything they can do. Bastards!!!! It has to deal with type of tower it is, it doesnt give off a strong enough signal.
Why would they use a "microtower" in the first place? Why not use only full strength towers?

Ahhhh... there lies the question. The answer... who knows; because they sure as hell dont. They gave me some bullshit answer, and told me they were sorry for any inconvenience this has caused me.

"Sorry?" how the hell does that make me feel better. Am I supposed to be grateful that these assholes are sorry. I do not want a fucking apology, I want my money back for the phone and I want out of the contract. They didnt think that was necessary; and asked my why I couldnt just use my home phone while I'm at home. If I had a home phone I wouldnt have a problem, I always thought.. why should I need a home phone if I have my cell phone. Now I know why.

So now I have the pleasure of finding a way out of this contract, which is going to be hell!!! Good thing I work for an attorney, he might come in handy.

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