Friday, September 02, 2005

Some people are so ungreatful!

Hopefully I am the only one who feels this way, but I feel like America has be forgotten once more. It seems like any time another country has a problem we are the first ones to help out. We send money and care packages full of water and food. Yet when we are in the need of help everyone just turns their backs and acts like there is nothing they can do. And if they cant give money, what about food, water,medical supplies or even just a few troops to help keep everyone in line. We can send billions of dollars overseas to help out, but even we cannot donate enough money for our OWN country...I just dont understand, these people have lost everything they've ever owned and we have people like Britney Spears who was born in Louisiana, but doesnt send anything but her prayers. People cannot live off prayers alone... I understand not everyone can donate, but she has plenty of money to spare. It pisses me off, she wouldnt be where she is today without her fans, alot of which I'm sure are from Louisiana, and Mississippi. So why isnt she doing anything to support them? I never liked her anyway and this just gave me another reason to hate her.

Sorry, I just had to vent. When I heard on the radio this morning that Britney wasnt helping, it just ruined my day....

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