Most Embarrasing Moment
I was talking to some friends yesterday, and they like to talk about the embarrassing things we've done when we were younger. We got on the subject of people throwing up when they were drunk. First off let me say that I have this problem with drinking and not realizing that I havent eaten yet. With that said, one day me and about 7 friends were hanging out drinking cheap vodka. I cant drink that shit to begin with, anything you can buy at a convenient store makes me throw up. And of course I had forgotten to eat. Well I ended up getting pretty drunk. We had to drive about 45 minutes away to go to another friends house.We had about 4 people cramed in the back seat including myself. We had the radio blasting techno, going about 90 mph on the highway. I was looking out the window and the lights were going by so fast that it started to make me sick. I tried to look away but we were just going so fast; I knew I was going to get sick. I didnt have enough time to tell the driver to stop so I decided to just roll down my window. BAD IDEA!!! When I threw up, all of it just flew back into the car and all over my friends. Needless to say everyone was pretty appalled. We had to drive the rest of the way with everyone covered in my vomit. It was pretty nasty... Lesson Learned? its never a good idea to throw up out of a car window doing 90 on the highway... common sense you would think.